Why I judge men by their grammar

May 21, 2009 00:34

In my OK Cupid profile, I make it clear that basic grammar is important to me, and that I want to meet someone around my age. Of course I get a lot of shit for that (mostly from illiterate and middle-aged men who are upset that I won't fuck them), and people just don't fucking understand why I specify these things, or respect my preferences.


When a person wants a partner around their age, why are they are accused of "ageism"? What is so damn wrong with wanting a sexual partner close to one's own age? I am sick and tired of people giving me shit for this and telling me that there is nothing wrong with older men, that they'll treat me better, etc. I'm not going to even bother explaining why I'm not interested in older men, but what it comes down to is, I am not physically and sexually attracted to older men. Once in a while there are exceptions, but in general, I do not want to fuck middle-aged men! Why is that so damn difficult to comprehend and respect?!

Do I not have the fucking right to have sex with someone whom I am attracted to? When ugly, middle-aged men email me telling me that I should give them a chance, it's fucking rude and disrespectful. I don't give a damn how "nice" they are and how well they will supposedly treat me. If I ain't attracted to them, my pussy is staying dry, and the sex will be incredibly bad, perhaps even painful, for me. These men telling me that I should give them a chance are selfish and completely disregarding my sexual desires, and clearly don't care if a woman is enjoying herself. Want to have sex with me? Then pay me! This isn't a small village in ancient China or the Middle East where young girls are forced to have sex with gross men 30 years older than them; this is Canada, and I have the fucking right to have sex with who I want, and I want to have sex with a man I am sexually attracted to!

And being sexually attracted to someone around my age is not discrimination! When people are only attracted to one particular gender, they aren't given shit for being "sexist", so why am I given shit for being attracted to men of a certain age? Probably because these people are just upset that I won't fuck them and can't get laid by an attractive woman, unless they pay for it.

Spelling and grammar

I forgive minor typos (as long as there aren't too many), but an email or profile full of misspellings, glaring grammatical errors, and single letters and numbers substituted for words is not acceptable. When people are trying to get laid or meet a potential partner, you'd think that they would care about making a good impression, but online, many men apparently don't give a damn. With online "dating" sites, communication is written, so writing a profile or email with proper grammar and spelling is of the utmost importance. Sending an unintelligible email is akin to going on a date and not grooming one's self (although men are known to do this). When I receive a sloppy email from a guy, I think three things: he's retarded; he won't put in any effort into a relationship with me; and he's bad in bed. The reasoning for the first point is obvious, but the other two may be a little puzzling, so let me explain.

Not putting any effort into an email tells me that a guy does not give a damn about trying to impress me, thus does not give a damn about me. And if we did meet up and have some sort of interaction, he won't make any effort in getting to know me, and will treat me like crap. As for bad grammar equating bad sex--not only is there the issue of not putting in any effort, but, if my profile clearly states how important this is to me and a guy can't follow directions, he probably will not follow directions in bed. Not that I am the kind of person who gives a lot of directions in bed, but sometimes, it is necessary to say, 'Ow, stop biting" or "Here, not there." (However, this is not an issue with OK Cupid Guy, nor was it an issue with Physics Boy.) So when I receive a sloppy email from a guy, that to me is a reflection on how he will be in bed: sloppy, lazy, selfish, and incompetent.

sex, online dating, rant (2), grammar, about me

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