Feb 11, 2009 08:13
On Monday, I had to buy more computer paper (it's disgusting how I went through 500 sheets in just over a semester, and I'm conservative with my paper, only printing when necessary, printing double sided, using font 10 instead of 12, etc), so I went to Staples. Trying to be environmentally friendly, I opted for the paper made out of 100% recycled paper, like I did last time. However, being environmentally friendly is difficult, because a pack of regular computer paper was $4.99, a pack of paper made from 30% recycled paper was $6.4X, and a pack of 100% recycled paper was $7.6X! I realize that recycled products may be a little more expensive due to the process of recycling paper (I don't know if this is really true or not), but a difference of $2.6X is quite noticeable, and very significant if you are a student without an income. But despite the ridiculous price difference, I bought the 100% recycled paper. Thank goodness it's a product I only have to buy every five or six months; if I had to pay $2+ more on a recycled product that I buy frequently, it would add up and I wouldn't be able to justify the cost.
Things like this really discourage being environmentally friendly. As I said, a small price difference is OK, but a difference of over $2 is enough to deter people from buying the recycled product, especially if they are tight on money (and who isn't these days?). At the very least, make recycled products tax free! (I just took a look at my receipt, and I was only charged GST and exempt from PST, but that's probably because I was buying it for school?)
going green