Why I hate people: reason #27

Aug 26, 2008 23:18

On Monday, my sister and I went down to UBC, as she had to buy text books, and I had to pick up my UPass (yay for affordable transit!). When we got the bookstore, we were dismayed when we saw long line up, but fortunately, there were actually two lines; one for students who still needed to get their photo taken for their ID, and a much shorter line for students who already have their ID and just need to pick up their UPass. Thankfully I had already gotten my photo taken, so my sister and I lined up at what we thought was the end of the shorter line.

After a couple of minutes, we find out that the four or five people who appeared to be in line were not actually in line, but thought that the most appropriate place to stand around chatting and lollygagging was at the end of a line! What the fucking hell?! Not only were they standing at the end of the line, duping people into lining up behind them, but they were in one of the most crowded areas of the bookstore! What the hell is wrong with people?! I just don't understand! Personally, when I want to stand around and chat with people, I try and do it in an out of the way area, so as not to get in people's way!

You'd think that this behaviour is abnormal, but apparently, standing at the end of lines when you're not actually waiting in line, chatting to people (who are not in the line), is a new trend. Later that day, my sister and I went to Staples (a very aggravating experience), and the same thing happened!

fucktards & douchebags, why i hate people, what the hell is wrong with people?!

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