Nov 27, 2005 20:34
... I've missed the sign up for the rest of my classes for next semester. *feels dumb* I can still do it, no problem, but the chances of me getting what I want are now reduced. Blah. Still, come Monday I will have signed up for the last classes that I will ever take in Berkeley. There's something really cool about that.
I haven't had a real fever in years, revisiting this facinating expierence made Thanksgiving a real holiday. Some guy trying to pick me up while I was wandering the halls delirious and in pain looking for help sort of pissed me off. However since he did try to help me and drove to a gas station to do so I felt unable to decline. *growls* I am meeting him on Monday and the number of ways I'm not interesting in this gentlemen? are numerous. Also mad at myself, who, when asked if she is single by someone she doesn't find attractive says 'yes'? I blame it on the fever.
I therefore rule and shall not stress. Really.
Instead I shall calmly go about failing my classes and writing my fanfic. Hopefully also downloading the new Atlantis episodes and getting more anime for my renewed obsession. What I have heard of Hive is highly encouraging, everyone gets back safely, John and Rodney are all herioc like *whoa* and theirloveissotrue. My mind is being flooded with AU ideas for all pairings and completly ignoring my midterm tomorrow, it's all very sad.
On a different note, my mom cleaned my apartment, emberassing? yes, but now it's all shiny and neat which is sort of really nice and really weird at the same time. Humph.
*blinks at the world*
And write me more Ronon, John and Rodney, wench!