shit. i had this whole entry written about the weekend, i was all the way to red deer day and i clicked on a link my friend sent me and it opened it in this window which deleted my post.. i HATE that
here we go again...
Thursday i bussed to Calgary, and Emily picked me up from the bus, we went to her place for a bit, then went to BP's to get something to eat, there i discovered my cell phone was missing, and its still missing, i'm figuring i left it on the bus or something.. i called them but no one turned it in, so i dunno.. i'll try back again in a couple days and see if someone found it.
After dinner we went shopping at walmart, got hair gel and hair spray, and Emily got some hot boots. After that we went back to her place and watched the 2gether movie, and ended up going to bed around 3:30-4 am.. we woke up around noon, still not wanting to get up but did, and ended up just hanging around there for the day, we started getting ready around 4-5 ish, she put curlers in her hair, and then wave curled my hair (it was hot haha)
We headed down to the Gate around 8ish, and Jeremy was standing outside when we got there, he brought us in with him, but only to find a few minutes later, the security guard who had let us through found out the bands didn't get guestlists that night, so we went back and paid.
We hung around there for awhile, then went and watched a school basketball game, and took a walk around the SAIT campus. We headed back to the show in time to see Krome play, watched them, and then Fear Zero went to set up their stage stuff, so Emily and i took a seat at the side with a stack of their CD's to sell.
They played for about an hour or so, and then went around selling CD's and stuff for a bit, then took down their stage, so we hung around while they did that. After that, Jeremy, Emily and i went to Denny's and got some food, then went back to her place, where we attemptd to watch the 2gether movie again, but ended up turning it off, we laid around till like 5 in the morning before getting to sleep. We were supposed to get up to drive to Edmonton at 10 (cause they had to load in their gear at 2, but over slept and it was 11 before we woke up, but none of us got out of bed, and we didn't end up leaving Emily's till quarter after 1.. oops
Got to Edmonton, and went straight to Reds at the Mall, found out that none of the guys were actually there at the time, so we went to my house to chill till later, Jeremy went and showered, and while he did that Emily and i went to get some liquor, ended up not buying any, and figureing on just drinking what i had at my house. Stopped by the greyhound station to get me a one way back from Red deer so icould get home after that show, since something was wrong with my car, and i couldn't get a ride back from my Dad.. haha
Went back to the house with intentions of just taking time out to chill, and get ready slowly, and we all fell asleep, Jeremy's phone rang, and woke them up and they woke me up, and we started getting ready to go quickly. Headed to the Mall for around 8, walked in with Jeremy, and got our wrist bands, and got in free no problem this time hehe
We hung around a bit, then Jeremy, TJ, Emily and i went down to the food court to get something to eat, all ended up with chinese food. After that, we went back up, and Ed, TJ and Jay were up on stage setting up, so Jeremy just hopped up and started his set up. Emily and i sat down in the all ages section so we could be in front of the stage. They played a half hour or so, so then Emily and i went into the beer gardens and sat in a booth to wait for them. I saw Ben from Social Code coming our way, so i waved at him, and he stopped by to say hi, we talked a little, then he kept going. I saw Travis from Soco up closer to the stage in the beer gardens, so i got up and went and said hey to him. We hugged, and then talked about the tour, and the website i was doing, and a bunch of stuff. I introduced Ed to Him, and they chatted a bit. We were going to sell their Merch again, but i ended up just hanging onto a stack of CD's while the next band played.. Danny (from a band called headruin) came then, Emily and i had invited him out the day before. So we hung out with him a bit, and stood around talking with people.
We decided to go do karaoke, but had to wait a bit for them to load their stuff into the Van. So once they did that, Jeremy, Emily and i headed out, i stopped by Ben and Trav's table to say bye to them, and Travis told me that he didn't want me to pay to see them anymore, so to let him know a few days before i was hitting up a show, and he would guestlist me :D He told me when the next Edmonton Gig is, its not announced yet, can't wait tho, it'll be awesome.
I drove us out to whyte ave then to the karaoke place, and we ended up not singing anything, so we left and went to Denny's again to get some food, then back to my house where we pretty much just went straight to bed.
I woke up just after 10 the next morning wondering why i hadn't been woken up yet, cause last i had heard i was supposed to drive Jeremy to the hotel to meet up with the band at 9. So i got up, he was up, and figured on leaving at 10:30 to take him to the hotel. So i went and laid down for a few more minutes, then got up and got dressed and went down to talk to my Mom for a few, then I drove Jeremy to the hotel. Stopped at Timmy ho ho's on the way back, got my Mom a coffee and got some bagels for Emily and i for Breakfast.
we were supposed to leave at 12 to head for red deer and didn't leave till closer to one, which worked out fine, cause we were still early. Ed and Jeremy did an interview at the local radio station, which we listened to as we got into town.
We got to the Venue, and found out it was 10 bucks to get in (they were playing at this thing called the guy show) so we decided to wait for them outside to see if they could get us in free when they got there. just as we were walking to sit downoutside, Ed drove up behind us in the van and tried to run us over.. hehehe he asked if we could get in, i was like.. we were waiting on you, so he's like.. just come in with us, so we got in the van, and drove around to the back, where he drove right inside the building. We got out, and Ed asked if we'd sell merch again, and we said sure. We got stuff out of the Van, a couple guitars, and things, and Ed went to move the Van over a bit. So i carried Ed's acoustic into the backstage area, and put it with their stuff, and they went to set up stage so Emily and i went and sat down kinda behind the stage, then we moved out in front of the stage, and ended up moving again to set up the merch stuff. We laid it out on a table beside the stage, folded all the shirts, and made a CD display.. hehe sold two CD's before they even played.. hehe We sat there and watched the show from there. They ended up getting cut short, and couldn't do Satellite, and there were a bunch of fans there wanting to hear it, So Jeremy and Ed sat down with the acoustics on the side of the stage, and did it acoustic for them :)
Sold a teeshirt to one of the ladies too :)
The group invited us all, (emily and i and the guys in the band) to go out to their Farm and have turkey dinner with them, haha they were so sweet. Ed, TJ and Jay were heading back to Vancouver, so they couldn't go, Jer was staying with Em for a few days, and I were thinking about going, but didn't go either. We stopped at Dairy Queen and had dinner, and then they dropped me at the bus depot and headed back to Calgary. I waited about an hour for the bus, got on, and went back home.. i think i slept half way off and on, i was listening to my mp3 player, and watching the movie that was playing, and remember bits and parts and missed songs.. haha
So yeah.. that was the weekend in a nut shell, there's a lot more i could tell, but i won't... Emily and Jeremy. .does that cover it?? ahaha i'm so bored.. i should just go to bed
okay.. i'm officially going to bed now.. and sleeping ALLL day tomorrow.. haha