Feb 24, 2016 11:35
Made to Crave
Chapter 15
The Demon in the Chips Poster
There have been so many times in my life that I have entertained the thought that if nobody sees me eat this then the calories just do not count. What is one tiny nibble of this cream cheese? When I hear rationalizations ( irrational) begin to play out in my head I know it is time to remove myself from the temptation or the temptation from myself. When I begin to be irrational, it is time to flee....and fast. I know that I cannot rationalize with my irrationality. There is no point in trying to replace that go-to script with another one. It is time to just get out. This battle is not just physical and mental. It is a spiritual fight as well.
Satan wants me to sneak things in secret. Things hidden and done in secret clues the “ father of lies” into my weakness and invites him into my world. It opens the door for him to begin assaulting me with targeted schemes.
Ephesians 6:10-11
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Satan's schemes are orchestrated in order to tempt me, deceive me, draw me away from God, fill my hearts with half-truths, and untruths, and lure me into pursuing good things in the wrong way, at the wrong time, or with the wrong person. The word “ strategies” is derived from the Greek word that Paul uses that translates into “ schemes”. This means that my temptations are not random. The false perspectives that I encounter do not come at me haphazardly. The lies I hear, the conflicts I have with others, the cravings that consume me when I am at my weakest points- they are all part of Satan's plan to make me a casualty in this invisible war. They are organized, below- the - belt assaults designed to neutralize me and The power God has filled me with t ( Chip Ingram).
Cravings that consume me when I am at my weakest points- I must remember that the power of God that fills me far surpasses any craving I could ever have.
Truth and Lies ( God and Satan) will always be battling for my attention. I have the power to decide who wins that fight.
I hold the power, not my cravings.
My brokenness cannot support having freedoms with food outside of my eating plan. I have the power to admit this, and acknowledge this. Therefore, when I am faced with overwhelming temptations I must flee; literally and deliberately, without any apologies, flee!
Psalm 106:14
In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wilderness they put God to the test.
The desert is a place of deprivation. In a deprived state we are much more likely to give in to things that we shouldn't. This is one of the reasons that one of my food guidelines is “ Never be hungry, and never be full, always remain satisfied” If I am not hungry ( thinking I am starving) then I will not be in the “desert” and feeling deprived. It will help to eliminate some of those temptations.
It is important for me to stop parking my mind on the things that I cannot have and instead be grateful for the foods that I can have. I can have peanut butter and eggs in all 3 phases!!!! That is something to be grateful for. Peanut butter and eggs are probably my 2 favorite foods!!! I can have food that is healthy and beneficial for giving my body strength and energy; the better to “ go about my Fathers business”! I can CHOOSE to embrace the boundaries of the healthy eating plan that I have CHOSEN. I can CHOOSE to see that plan as defining the parameters of my FREEDOMS with food, not as horrible restrictions against unhealthy food. It is all a matter of perspective. I must affirm to myself that these boundaries are a gift from God. He cares about my health. They are not restrictive fences meant to keep me from enjoying life. He knows, and I know, that my vulnerable, broken taste buds cannot handle certain kinds of freedoms, so boundaries keep me safe, not restricted.
My brokenness with food runs deep. I am the girl who begged God to send me a magic fat-burning pill down from heaven like manna, because I have failed time and time again in my fighting of this battle. So, that was probably not my finest moment, but it is truth. Since my brokenness with food runs deep, my healthy eating habits must run even deeper.
Here are some of the healthy eating habit boundaries I have set for myself:
God has given me power over my food choices. I hold the power- not the food. So, if I am not suppose to eat it, I will NOT put it in my mouth.
I was made for more than being stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat. I am not made to be a victim of my poor choices. I was made to be a victorious child of God.
When I am struggling and considering a compromise, I will force myself to think past this moment and ask myself, “ How will I feel about this in the morning?”
When faced with an overwhelming temptation I will either remove myself or the temptation.
When I am invited to a party or other special occasion rolls around, I will find other ways to celebrate that do not involve unhealthy food choices or blowing my healthy eating plan.
Struggling with my weight is not God's means curse for me. Being overweight is an outside indication that internal changes are needed for my body to function properly and for me to feel well. I have the power and choice to make those changes.
I have these boundaries in place not for restriction but to define the parameters of my freedoms. My brokenness/ incompleteness cannot handle more freedoms than this right now. I understand, accept, and am good with that for now.
Never allow myself to be in the desert, a place of desperation, with food. Never be over full, but never be hungry ( starving). If I need a snack then I will eat a snack.
Truth is, this battle is hard, very hard. Whether I am staring at a church covered- dish table or a poster of delicious nachos covered in tons of cheese and sour cream at Taco bell, it is hard. It feels like there is a war being waged inside my head. There is...and it is also inside my heart and deep within my spirit too. Victory is possible- not by figuring out how to make this battle easy and making the process easy- but by choosing over and over and over again- the ABSOLUTE power available through God's Truth.
Personal Reflections
1. If you knew that millions of tiny cameras were hidden around your world and broadcasting everything you ate to the entire country would it impact the choices you make with food? Probably not, because I have never been one to care much about what others think of my food choices, or how fat I am. If nothing else, I have been happy for others to be disgusted by me because I have used it as a self defense mechanism for so very long. I have made the choice to eat better and lose weight for me, and as a path to grow closer to God. In the process I have found that my need to keep people away, due to fear, is beginning to subside. I am finding healing in more ways than I ever imagined for me.
2. Lysa says that her brokenness with food cannot yet handle certain freedoms with food. What areas of brokenness in your life are not able to handle certain freedoms? How do you typically respond to temptations in those areas? Food is certainly the number one area with me, and lately I have been praying and asking God for strength when I am faced with overwhelming temptations. Thank you to the Lord for giving me that strength and holding my hand each and every time I have been faced with this battle. Previously being around my old friends from the BDSM world could have fallen into this category. However, praise God He has removed all of those old feelings and temptations for that world, and all that it entails from me. He has delivered me into an unbelievable sense of freedom, from the chains that world had me in. I guess he decided I had struggled against my bonds for long enough, or maybe I finally realized that I did not have to struggle in my own strength. Nonetheless, God has liberated me from my own chains, from wars I fought for my own selfish gains ( Thank you Jennifer Knapp)
3. When it comes to boundaries, with food, it is important to focus on what we can have rather than what we cannot have. What 3-5 foods are you most grateful for right now? Phase 1: Peanut butter, Dijon mustard, and Chicken. Phase 2: Mushrooms, brown rice, and corn. Phase 3: Dreamfield Pasta, ruby sensation potatoes, and Mimi cheeses. How might focusing on these foods keep you from dwelling on the foods you may not have. Will help me to remain grateful and excited about meals, instead of angry and a host of other negative emotions.
4. Rate the 7 Healthy food boundaries on a scale of 1-10. 1 meaning that boundary feels like a punishment/ restriction and 10 being that it feels like a hedge of safety:
God has given me power over my food choices. I hold the power- not the food. So, if I am not suppose to eat it, I will NOT put it in my mouth. 10
I was made for more than being stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat. I am not made to be a victim of my poor choices. I was made to be a victorious child of God. 10
When I am struggling and considering a compromise, I will force myself to think past this moment and ask myself, “ How will I feel about this in the morning?” 5
When faced with an overwhelming temptation I will either remove myself or the temptation. 6
When I am invited to a party or other special occasion rolls around, I will find other ways to celebrate that do not involve unhealthy food choices or blowing my healthy eating plan. 3
Struggling with my weight is not God's means curse for me. Being overweight is an outside indication that internal changes are needed for my body to function properly and for me to feel well. I have the power and choice to make those changes. 10
I have these boundaries in place not for restriction but to define the parameters of my freedoms. My brokenness/ incompleteness cannot handle more freedoms than this right now. I understand, accept, and am good with that for now.
Daily Devotion
Day 15
Unsolicited Feedback
Colossians 3:1-2
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Thought for the day: Do not allow peoples compliments go to my head; or people's criticism go to my heart. The degree to which I do either of these things is the degree to which I will be ruled by what other people think of me.
I am an introvert. Anytime I put myself “ out there” in any way I can begin to feel vulnerable. I feel vulnerable posting on Facebook about my weight loss journey and struggles. However, I do it because it keeps me encouraged at some level and I know it encourages others who fight the same fight. I sometimes fear that other people may be watching me and passing judgment on every bite I take. It is only a small concern but I have to admit that it does sometimes whisper fear and insecurity into my ear. I thank God that I only care a little about the opinions of the general populace.
Sometimes things that people says, even well meaning things, can make me uncomfortable...if they call attention to an area of my life that I struggle with. I know this is my pride speaking, but once again it is truth. I know, first hand, how dangerous it is to build the stability of my identity on the fickle opinions of others, especially those who do not love and care for; Nobody loves and cares for me like God.
For many years I was Christopher's slave. That is who I was. My identity was whatever he chose it to be from moment to moment. I lost myself, completely. I was unable to even identify my own hunger, or know when I was tired. I had lost all opinion and merely waited for him to give it to me. I was just a shell, where Maggi once lived. I have spent the last 6 years trying to find me again. So, yeah, I know what a slippery slope and dangerous existence it can be to put too much stock in the opinion of others.
Gods Word tells me who I am. I am made for more....I accept the identity God has given to me and choose to embrace it everyday to the best of my ability. Each day, I want to listen as God whispers into my heart the Truth of who I am. I want to always filter the opinion of others through Gods reality. I want to be brave enough to accept negative feedback as a possible call to action, but not a definition of who I am ( my identity). I will enjoy the positive feedback, even if it makes me uneasy, but not allow it to inflate my ego and cause me to be someone I do not even like.
I must rise above the chatter of the world, place my identity in the un-shifting grace and love of God. I want to keep my ear and heart tuned to the reassuring whispers of Jesus.
Dear Lord,
Help me to not worry about the opinions of others. I beg you to whisper words of Your Truth into my heart, my mind, and my spirit. Help me to remember who I am in You, and that only Your opinion of who I am is what counts in my life. I love you, worship, and thank You for everything that has ever been good in my world.
In Jesus Precious Name I pray,
made to crave