OOC: Dream

Feb 04, 2009 16:15

She was flying. Flying- the ground was receding below her as the men in green coats stared up at her in fear and horror. The pain that she usually felt when people looked at her like that wasn’t there; instead, she could feel a manic sort of glee, bubbling up from the pit of her chest and it threatened to burst-

She opened her mouth and the cackle came pouring out, springing from behind white teeth and green lips and her heart palpitating so fast it was a tangible hum in her chest and she knew- she KNEW that, at last, she was free! Free of their painful stares, free of their judgments, free of their limitations and rules and assumptions! Because SHE was the one who had the power, SHE was the one who could do- who could change- !

And they should be afraid; they should look up at her and be fearful and amazed because she was going to make it all right. She was going to take her power and with every last breath in her body, she was going to rip away the shadows their lies hid in. She was going to persecute those who persecuted others. She was going to break the bonds of those who were different, of people like her, who were hated for no reason except that they were born the way they were. She was going to rip down this hypocrisy of an autocracy and build in its place a world where people didn’t have to be afraid, where the way people were treated wasn’t based on what they were or what they looked like, but only on what sort of people they were- the good, or the wicked.

She looked down among the gathering green and for a moment a splash of pink caught her eye. The rush of freedom subsided, for a moment, as she thought about what else this decision would mean- not what she was gaining, but what she might be losing, instead. She bobbed back and forth in the air, eyes trained on that far-away dot of pink that was looking up at her, too; and, somehow, she knew that that one dot wasn’t looking at her with fear, but with love, and wishing with all its silly little heart that she was happy now.

But she had to do what was right. Black cape billowing around her, she pointed her broom upward, and kept rising.

dream, ooc

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