Levitation Spell 002 // So Far, Still Flying

Feb 15, 2009 02:19

Well, this has been an interesting past week and a half.

To Bubbles and Chosen, thank you for helping me to pick out a more suitable wardrobe. I know we don't have the exact same taste in clothing, but I appreciate your kindness and your willingness to compromise. I... had an amusing time. Surprisingly.

Bubbles, I wouldn't mind terribly if you ever wanted to drag me on another one of your shopping excursions.Though maybe we could also think outside the box a bit and visit other areas of the Tree, as well? I'd like that. Oh- and I'd still like to meet your friend Pixie, if that's possible.

Companion, thank you for the bottle of oil, it's wonderful to be properly clean again. I enjoyed our conversation, besides. I'm afraid I may have made a bad judgment during our first meeting, but, now that I can see I'm wrong, I'd like to talk with you more, if you're ever willing.

I'm finally employed at the bookshop in the Marketplace- thank you, East and Soul for the suggestion, and Mr. Crow for the opportunity to work there. I am still rather concerned about the previous owner's disappearance.

Which brings me to my last point:

I know something is going on, here. These disappearances? Murders? All of this violence that seems to be barely held-back, if even that? And that mysterious note from a few days ago- I want to understand what's going on. If anyone has information they can give me, please, I'd like to meet with you. It's infuriating, this feeling that the people I've met and who have been so kind to me may not even be safe in their homes. It needs to be changed. I want to know what's going on, and I want to know what I can do to change things for the better.


!fallen, happily employed, !stoneface, thankyous, !bubbles, !alexi, concerned for the common welfare

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