Nov 12, 2006 20:05
hmmm. so tomorrow is officially 3 months.
it kinda has gone by pretty fast.
not saying it hasnt been difficult.
cuz lord we all know that it has been.
but i'm so excited. friday or saturday it's over.
friday or saturday i'm back with himm & everything is perfect.
that honsetly makes me the happiest person in the world.
i'm so excited i can't wait
and apparently he has a sweetass surprise day planned for me
but of coufrse won't tell me hwat it is just to be a fag
andd i want to know a;kljdfakljdsf. bleckkkk.
oh well i'll figure it outt i hope cuz i'm tres intelligent.
hmm. chem test tuesday and i think that im goign to bomb.
and im not so stokedo n that idea let me telly ou.
i love typing when im nto looking at the keys
i feel so much better i dont know why.
i love my new music choices they really make me a very happy female.
hmm. fall freeze we came in second because they cheated and added more peopl
but i mean whatever we cant do anything about it
im glad we played so well int eh first place.
i love our team & we won best uniform
pfft taco belless. we know where it's at let me tell you
okay i'm done. maybe some 1984? we'll see
buhhhbye darlingggs.