
Apr 08, 2006 23:11

1. Name: kristen

2. Nicknames: k khall pinky

3. Feet size: 5 and a half?

4. Do a you have crush: if you want to call it that

5. girlfriend? don't swing that way =]

6. Age you act: usually like 12. =]

7. Where Do You Live: lowellll

8. Where you want to live: hmm. good question

9. Date of birth: 12-28-89

10. Favorite Salad Dressing: noneee =]

11. Ever gone skinny dipping? no hopefully this summer.

12. What are you watching? just the computer

13. Last person you talked to: my madree in teh car home

14. Favorite movie: bring it on =] / legally blondeee yeah im ditzy so what

15. Favorite Book: angels & demons / da vinci code/ harry potter etc. i <3 books.

16. Favorite Type of music: emo punk rockishh & pop =].

17. Favorite types of cars: lambourginiiiii.

18. Favorite Saying: it's to dying in another's arms & why i had to try it /// rather waste my time wtih you<3 // lose one friend lose all friends lose yourself<33

19. Favorite Fast Food: mcd.

20. Favorite Ice Cream: hmm. black raspberry.

21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: vodka?

22. When Do You Go To Sleep: between like 12-2?.

23. Most Embarrassing Moment: uhm. trying to gargle ginger ale upside down? or getting attacked wtih palmolive and silly string by my mom adn sarah haha

24. Stupidest Person you know: uhm. good question. my dad.

25. Funniest Person you know: schmem.

26. Favorite holiday: christmasss

27. Favorite Food: pasta bread sticks yumm =] olive garden<3

28. Favorite Song: blue & yellow & konstantine & right noww- chicago is so 2 years ago.

29. Favorite Television Show: csi gilmore girls the o.c. laguna etc.

30. Favorite Radio Station: kiss / jamn

31. Favorite junk food: milky wayyys & swedish fishhhhies

32. Favorite sappy love song: is konstantine sappy

33. Favorite Drink: ginger ale/ mountain dew. wait. shirley temple

34. Favorite article of clothing: jeans & thongs. yeahp =]

35. Favorite Animal: schnooodle.

+||SECTION TWO:The Future

1.School: cchs later. yale i wish. uhm. clark?.

2. Where You Want To Live: not sure

3. How Many Kids You Want: 2 i thikn when im older. maybe 3.

4. What Kind Of Job You Want: psychologist.

5. Wedding song: ha uhm.

6. Pets? a puppy =] or 2

7. Car? uhm. i want a lambo. probably like a honda

8. 5 years from now? senior in collegee

9. 10 years from now? 26. in college maybe out? god knows

10.20 years from now? 36. married with kids i hope

+||SECTION THREE:Have You Ever..

1. Done Drugs: nah

2. Run Away From Home: nopp

3. Hit A Boy: haha of course..

4. Lied: duhr.

5. Stolen Anything: like stupid little shit lol.

6. Broken A Bone: noppppe knock on wood

7. Cheated On A Test: mhmmm.

8. Cheated On A girlfriend: never had one =]

9. Drank: yeah once or twice

10.Dated a guy/gurl at the same time: noooo

11. Been In The Hospital: just when my brother was born

12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yeahhhhp.

13.Fell asleep in the shower/bath: couple times in the bath i think

14. Gone to Church: yeahppp.

15. Never slept during a night: of course.

16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yeaaa.

17. Been to a camp: mmhmm

18. Goin in a restaurant w/o ordering: maybe?

19. Seen someone die: nooo. the day before they died

20.Gone a week w/out shaving: lol yeahppp

21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: no.

22.broken something valuable: probably

23. Thought you were in love: yes

24. Streaked the streets: no.

25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yea.

26. Said I love you and meant it: yea.

27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: more than you knoww.

28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yeahppp

29. Pulled a prank? yeahhh of course =]

30. Made fun of someone? hah way too much

+||SECTION FOUR:Which Is Better..

1. Coke Or Pepsi: pepsi

2. Cats Or Dogs: dogs

3. DVDs or VHS: dvds

4. Deaf Or Blind: deaf...thats tough though

5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tubs?

6. Television Or Radio: radio wait tv. yeah tv.

7. CDs Or MP3's: MP3's

8. Apples or oranges: apples

9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries

10. Gold or silver: silver makes me happy.

11. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.

12. Movies or music: Music.

13. Park or Beach? BEACH <3 my life

14. Hot or Cold weather? in the middle? i guess hot..

15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunsets at the beach own my life.

+||SECTION FIVE:When is the Last Time You..

1.Took a shower: today.

2. Cried: todayy blah

3. Watched a Disney movie: uhm not sure this week?

4.given/gotten a hug: like an hour ago. not even.

5. Been to the movies: while ago couple months

6. had a boy/girlfriend: errr. officially last summer

7. Said I love you: like last night or today

8. danced: uhm today. haha obvi. or fridays in kevviewevs class when he called me & em sluts<3

9. did a survey like this: uhm. couple weeks ago

10. kissed someone: long time ago.

+||SECTION SIX:What is..

1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: not sure. too many good ones lol

2. Your Most Prized Possession: friends & family<3.

3. The thing That Makes You The Happiest: my friendsss.

4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: hmmm. waffles

5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: pastaaa

6. Your Favorite Slow Song: konstantine

+||SECTION SEVEN:What do i feel about...

1.Bill Clinton: mm. bad president

2. Love at First sight: no way. like at first sight maybe.

3. Abortion: not unless raped even then.

4. Smoking: nasty

5. Death: horrible. so bad

6. Eating disorder: eat please.

7. Rape: they should burn in hell

8. Marilyn Manson: weird fucking guy

9. Premarital sex: up to you

10. Suicide: horrible. shouldnt happen


1. hair color: dirty blondish

2. full birth name: kristen elizabeth hall

3. eye color: dark brown

4. current height: 5'2'' on a good day

5. glasses/contacts: glasses.

6. birthdate: 12-28-89

7. religion: catholic

8. current age: 16

9. siblings: 1 brother

10. siblings age: 9

11. location: lowell

12. college plans: mass/connecticut


1. best guy friend: mike

2. best girl friend: em

3. current crush: errrr.

4. boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope.

5. are u center of attention or wallflower: center of attention. attention whore basically.

6. what type automobile do u drive: my moms van cuz i have a permit.

7. are u timely or always late: usually late

8. do u have a job: no

9. do u like being around people: yeaaaa

10.hobbies: soccer-friends-school stuff.


1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with? Nope.

2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? Yeah.

3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: not really.

4. want someone u don't have right now? Sort of.

5. ever liked a close guy/girlfriend? Yeah.

6. are u lonely right now? nopppe

7. ever afraid u'll never get married? yeah sometimes

8. do u want to get married? yea.

9. do u want kids? yea

10. would you rather love or be loved? both


1. room in house: mineee

2. type of music: ^^^^^

3. location for dates: the beach.

4. memory: errrr. best friends. enough said..

5. day of the week: fridayss?.

6.color: pink.

7. perfume or cologne: abercrombie # 8 or pinkkkk from victorias<3

8. flower: roses

9. month: december or july.

10. season: Summer.

+||In the last 48 hours have you..

1. cried: yea.

2. bought something: food

3. gotten sick: no

4. sang: YEAH

5. said I Love You: Yes.

6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: naw

7. met someone new: ya

8. moved on: uh?

9. talked to someone: yesss

10. had a serious talk: Yess.

11. missed someone: Yess.

12. Drank: No.

13. Smoked: No.

14. kissed someone: noo.
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