Because I'm sick of reading fics on that don't stick to the basic rules of fan fiction.
So I'm sending the writers here.
Jacey’s Rules of Fan Fiction Writing
- First time writer? No problem! You’ve probably read enough fan fic by now to get the general idea of it. If you haven’t, you should probably go read some more, just to see how it’s done
( Read more... )
And I was wondering if you knew of any good lj communities for Doctor Who fanfic that you could point me to?
(Can I ask, how'd you find the 'rules'? :D)
Ok, a GREAT comm for Rose/Doctor fic (the one and only in my opinion) is:
Best comm there is for Rose/Doctor fic.
Um... as far as general Who fic goes... I'm not entirely sure. You could try dwfiction
Good luck with your fic, and I hope to see it posted somewhere soon :D
Thanks for those comms!
and np.
if you're interested, i have like... 1.. maybe 2 DW fics over at my fic journal starandgalaxy.... not all that fantastic (hopefully I've followed the rules!) :D
love the icon btw.
Me too - it was made by leelakin.
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