Apr 15, 2008 12:25
Life, I really do loath you right now. It seems that my existance have come down to Starbucks and, well, Starbucks...
My 22nd birthday is in 11 days and I am working. Yet, am I upset...not in the least. In the back of my mind i guess this day has become nothing but another day...another chance to see what I can do for others, (not that i mind please dont think i dont love my family and friends). It is just another day that I can get up, go to work, come home and go to bed so that i can repeat the same thing the next day...
Now, keep in mind I have never really WANTED a party or anything like that, I dont like surprises becuase i dont like not knowing what is going to happen next, but I have kind of wanted to be made feel like I have made others feel on their days...
the birthday is only an example because it is coming up...
you can only come see someone at work so many times, for 2 reasons, it is their place of employment and they cant really pay to much attention to you, and Starbucks is boring if your dont really want to be there....
Whatever, as i said before....
Life, I loath you!