What am I going to do when these shows end? Bah.
Gossip Girl. Well. So, I think we have three episodes left now? I think the last episode airs on December 17th or something. Whatever that Monday is.
Ugh, I know it's so cliche, but Chuck BROKE MY HEART. "The mother who chose me... abandoned me." Noooooooo! *sobs* Lily will be redeemed, right? They are setting her up to be redeemed. Along with Chuck. It's kind of amazing because Chuck started out as this vile character who was not even supposed to be a regular. They did not even have Westwick signed as a regular. But they clearly took a turn with him right after the pilot, and then, once Chuck and Blair started they just kept turning and turning.
He started as just a recurring annoyance, and now it's kind of clear that his story is front and center. That this is all about Chuck becoming the man his father could never be. Chuck will hopefully choose love and being human above money and power, and his journey will be complete. A journey his father never even attempted. I really think Chuck has gotten more character development than any other character on the show, including Blair.
Understandably, if you like a character other than Chuck, it's probably kind of annoying. Sorry 'bout that!
Okay, my DVR was kind of wonky and I missed that Georgina/Dan phonecall at the end. My screen just went black. But I gather from posts i've seen that Dan promised to write an expose on Serena or something? Like, he might be playing her right now with all the 'we're together forever now!' stuff?
I gotta say... I'm so torn on that. Because I love the original Lonely Boy and part of me just wants him to be that boy again. And his judgmental ways annoy the living EFF out of me. HOWEVER, there is something kind of compelling and great about having him become the old Chuck Bass. Like... they just totally cross in the middle and take each other's places. That's almost... poetic. Not like the writers are doing any of this terrible WELL, mind you, but... well, there you go.
Otherwise all I can really say is: Oh my gosh, my poor BABY! They really know how to kick him most effectively to make us cry in sympathy, don't they? I HATE THEM.
Ahhh, it was fine, I guess. Poor Isaak. I guess though that Dex took him out to where he threw Viktor's body in the ocean and was going to throw Isaak in with him? I did kind of like the weird relationship Dex and Isaak had. I'm glad Isaak didn't end up on Dex's table.
Deb brought up a good point with Dex. That as long as he's living with a killer, he's not safe. With an interesting counter-argument by Dex: "You're safe with me." Which she is, clearly, by now. But Hannah is NOT Dexter, and she does not have his code. And Dexter is not Deb. And Hannah and Dexter do not have the same history and bond that Deb and Dexter do, no matter who Hannah is.
I have heard, I think, that the actor who plays Hannah is signed through next season? So, I guess we'll see.
Oh,LaGuerta... shit's going to go DOWN soon.
The Walking Dead.
Oh God, can't Merle just DIE now? I very, very RARELY actually hate characters. I just don't see the point. They're fictional characters! How do you muster up enough emotion to actually hate them. But I hate Merle. I want him to die. I want him to die slowly. It irritates the living EFF out of me when people love him. He's a racist, sexist, violent fuckhead.
The music in this episode was creepily effective. That low, slow, ominous pulse beat. Gah. Governor is showing his cray a bit more.
Maggie was made of amazingness, and all I could think was: I really, really, really do NOT need to see her raped, okay? I know it happened in the comic books to another character, but can we just not? So, I was relieved it didn't go that far, although I'm not convinced yet that it won't go that far for someone else...
lol, that old hermit in the woods who was clearly divorced from reality. "I'm calling the cops!"
We're kind of reaching the point in most apocalyptic TV shows that I find are my least favorite. The whole 'post-apocalyptic town politics' thing, where it's all about one guy taking over and a rebel band rebelling. I'm really not a fan. It was that point in Battlestar Galactica that I started to get tired too. When they landed on the planet and stopped wandering. I found it sort of boring. I really wish we could get a show that would avoid that. Surviving and wandering are enough for me. I guess others probably find THAT boring though. Feh.
The Voice.
Noooo! Cody goes home. I loved Cody. He was so fantastic. I liked Dez too, although he wasn't my favorite. I was surprised he went home, but at this point it's clear that that the young girl vote is not enough to coast on.
I really like Amanda, Nicolas, Cassadee and Terry, I think. I do not think Terry will make it past next week, but you never know. I think Cassadee (I have zero idea of I'm spelling her oddly-spelled name correctly) has a chance to win it all.
That stupid Maroon 5 song 'one more night' is stuck in my head and has been for three weeks now. I can't GET IT OUT. IT'S SO CATCHY!