So! He had his first ep last night.
Hmm. Okay, so. You know, this is campy horror. It's supposed to be fun and entertaining and take you into another world for a while. And sometimes it's so ridiculous that it's hard not to laugh. And sometimes it can be touching. And sometimes it can be hot. And sometimes it can just be really engaging. And sometimes it's really boring.
I have a big imagination. I can easily transport myself into another world. I like asking 'what if it IS possible?' rather than just scoffing and saying 'that's stupid'.
Having said that, I thought I'd be watching Meloni's scenes through my fingers, because he is an intense, dramatic actor who will take ANY role seriously, even if he laughs about it in interviews. He will try his best.
So, I was sort of totally surprised when I didn't look through my fingers ONCE! I mean, I had to laugh at this scene:
Because, lol! Although, also? Well done, Stephen, at looking terrified!
But Meloni was his usual intense self, with the steely gaze and the slightly wry delivery and the slight temper problem. I was totally glamoured by him throughout the scene. Ahahaha.
ALTHOUGH... OKAY. So in interviews, of course, everyone keeps asking him if he gets a love scene, or if he gets naked. And he's been saying that he can't really talk about it but he is "In bed. With my lover."
Which made me immediately think: Oh, shit. Fifty bucks he's in bed with that freaky kid vampire. FIFTY BUCKS, PEOPLE. Extra squicky because he used to be Elliot Stabler. That is EXACTLY the sort of verybadwrong thing that Alan Ball would do to him.
GAHHHH. *squicky dance*
Clearly Eric is the one whose getting all the sex this season, lol.
So far, so good! I'm entertained. Let's see where they go with it all.