I have Diablo III and put several hours into it yesterday. And I will put several more into it today, but after I actually get outside for a couple hours and walk in the sunshine.
However, I will talk about it a little bit, but also, I just saw the video game episode of Community, and I had to laugh.
THAT Is why I love Community. The complete bizarreness and pop-culture based episodes. I have no opinion on Dan Harmon personally, because I've never really read anything he's said, but I do fear that his firing will mean the networks wants to 'normalize' the show. And that would be a shame. That would really soooooook a lot. I want them to get to 100 episodes so it qualifies for syndication, but I'd rather it keep its specialness and end after that if it has to, rather than have it beaten into submission and become like all the other generic comedies out there. WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE CONFORMITY SO MUCH??
IN any case, the video game episode made me laugh. I mean, it was slightly weak in the script, I felt, with the characters just voicing over their avatars with fairly predictable stuff. But in general it was pretty delightful, especially all the dying and Troy tumbling and jumping, and Abed's Hilda, and OMG THE WEE ADORABLE LITTLE ABEDS! "COOLCOOLCOOL!" Hahahahaha!
Also, I laughed so hard when Annie accidentally stole an item from the shop and then accidentally set the shop keeper on fire, and then she killed him with an axe to end his suffering, and then the wife came down and was screaming, so Shirley stabbed her with a sword because NO WITNESSES! LOL FOREVER, YOU GUYS.
Because, also, that is TOTALLY how my first game of Baldur's Gate went. The game reacts to you and your actions, and you can go into people's houses and steal stuff and kill NPC's and all. And I usually play as good, but I honest-to-god accidentally stole something in a shop, and the merchant was all "THIEF!!" And I panicked and then accidentally shot him full of arrows, and then he died, and SUDDENLY I WAS EVIL AND BEING CHASED BY THE TOWN GUARDS! And no other merchants would deal with me, and no one would give me clues, and I was all: "I AM SORRY, PEOPLE! I PANICKED!"
It was the worst game almost ever (the worst being a game of The Sims with Justice League skins where everything devolved into misery and starvation and Superman bitch-slapping Flash for crying too much, and, honestly, the less said about THAT the better.) and I finally just deleted it and started over, because I NEEDED THE VIDEO GAME PEOPLE TO LIKE ME.
And anyway, I am playing Diablo III now, and there are some things I like about the new set-up and some things I don't, and I wish they still had the Necromancer, because I loved playing that. But I love that you can choose female or male for any class, and I am starting with a Demon Hunter, and I will probably try a Witch Doctor, even though that is an awful and pretty offensive class, Blizzard. For crying out loud.
Also, I keep talking to that Captain of the guard who used to be a farmer, in New Tristram, because I keep hoping he'll ask me for a drink. Even though Diablo is NOT THAT SORT OF GAME. Ahaha.