Note to self: You know what really SUCKS? Fueling up the car when the windchill factor is 30 degrees BELOW ZERO. You know what wouldn't have sucked? If you'd fueled up yesterday when it was ABOVE ZERO and you KNEW the cold was coming and was going to last all week.
Dear brain. Next time could you think ahead, plz? Don't make us hurt you. OW! Love, Jenn's disgruntled fingers.
eoficathon eoficathon eoficathon eoficathonYou have TWO days left to sign up!
ALSO, YOU GUYS. SVU tonight. It's the one where Olivia
goes undercover as a 'madam'.
I AM SCARED, GUYS. I cannot think of any writing situation in which this works or is done well. Let's just hope for unbearable hotness. Also, it would be nice if Elliot and Olivia were in another episode together for once! PLEASE, SHOW?
You know me. I will make the best of it. ;)