I've been reading a new author I found on Jackfic.
Abby Eddey writes really long, plotty, action fic with a side helping of Sam/Jack ship. It's sort of rare to find S/J fic where the relationship is NOT the main thread of the fic. (I know mine certainly doesn't fit that mold!) There's occasional graphic sex, which, of course, might not be to everyone's taste (that goes without saying), but if you enjoy a really well-told action/adventure story, check her out.
The Furies has some serious Jack-whumping and a very strong, kick-ass, commanding Sam. It's a story with a universe-wide scope. It *feels* huge. And we see Jack helped by... Pete!
I'm not actually finished with Icarus yet, but it's soldier-Jack at his best... and his worst. And Sam and Daniel trying to look out for him.
After a short email exchange, I seemingly convinced
abbyeddey to check out LJ. (I do that.):D We're always talking about how we need to grab the interesting fans before the insane part of fandom chases them off. So, if you enjoy her stuff go over and welcome her. (She also is one of the RDA-obsessed.)