
Jun 22, 2011 22:38

 Previous post was made in a fit of rage. Don't be too concerned, if you are. I just had spent a good half hour typing up what I thought was a pretty damn fine post, had a title, had the tags, and then something went pft- and it was gone. And I felt like dying. But all is better now. Even though I am on a weird computer where the 'k' key sticks, so if there are some typos thus related in this paragraph that I did not catch but you do, congratulations, you have passed the test.

And I think I love Shinedown's newest song. I don't want to be so cliche, but I do enjoy their work more than I feel I should. Of course the song itself isn't that new, I just haven't listened to the radio for about a year, so when I got home in May I was hit by a whole lot of new music. My local radio station plays local rock, so it's doubly confusing. "Was that a local band's song?" Ughghghgh.

Anyway, I have a longer update for the future, but for now I  think I'll just hit on some things that are interesting in my life instead of just infuriating. So, let's see... Romulo and I had decided to go to New York city this summer. And now I think we've decided not to go. What we want to do now is go to Peru over Christmas. That'd be better in many ways; we could stay longer, I could finally meet his family and they could finally know what I look like, and it'd just be good all the way around. But... yeah. I really want to go, but I need to renew my passport. Yuk.

Anyway, I'd say more, but I have to go get Anne from work. Until next time, adieu. 

'what i did over summer vacation'

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