
May 22, 2011 09:34

So I am over at Ontinia's on the couch I slept on last night, and I wish I could attribute my lack of pants to party- related happenings. Alas, I cannot. It was just too hot to sleep in jeans last night and I did not grab my sweats or pajamas or yoga pants or whatever they are. I am still tired as hell but that is fine, I will persist. I have had a horrible little head cold since before seeing Pirates if the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides but which for some reason during the movie manifested itself. I have spent the last two days whining and moaning and getting no sympathy whatsoever. That- that really hurts.

So Thusday was my 21 birthday, huzzah, whoo, par-tay, etc. I tried to enjoy it in an age appropriate manner but that is hard when you don't know how to drink. I sipped 3 "frou frou" drinks in three hours which left me with nothing but a headache and a sore throat that just got worse the next day. Lame, I say, just lame.
Alright, my head is killing me. I am only wide awake because I misread the clock in my half awakedness and thought it was two hours later. Fail.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

awkwardness: i has it, grumbling, melodramatic, via ljapp, not quite coherent, bitching, early morning journaling, 'what i did over summer vacation', break, short post is short

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