
Mar 29, 2011 23:49

So I keep thinking "..Eh, I'll post later..."

Boy, when I fall of the wagon, I fall HARD.

Anyway, hello flist. I've not been around LJ for a while for no good reason - I have still spent ungodly amounts of time on the interwebs and am still not doing homework. I just appear to have been doing it somewhere else. Lame, I know. But what can I do? Stop being lazy? That's going too far, man.

(HNGH. I just realised I'm like, eight posts behind on Ian McKellen's Hobbit blog. How did this even happen?!)

So yeah. Nothing is happening here. I'm getting pissed at some people, I'm getting in trouble with some others, and it's all stupid since serious shit has went down at home. In all sincerity, it was a horrible weekend back at home. At the factory that my brother works at, the one I worked at two summers ago, a man was killed in an accident Saturday morning. My brother is understandably shaken about the experience, as are many of his coworkers. But tomorrow is the funeral and hopefully the healing can start. I remember the guy, but I have to admit only because he looked like Matt Bellamy. He was a really quiet guy who kept to himself, and that is the other thing I remember about him. He leaves a girlfriend and three children and many people around the area wondering how it happened. Nobody was right there with him and even though someone got to him soon after the accident nobody actually saw what occurred. Hopefully the investigation will turn something up.

So that is how the weekend started. My weekend ended on a slightly less horrible note. I was in the computer lab taking a trig exam (which I promptly failed) and glanced at my diagram of the Unit Circle. Before I knew what happened the Lab monitor, a middle eastern guy who takes his job very seriously, had pounced on me, making me jump a foot in the air. He's very catlike when he wants to be. I was embarrassed in front of all the people in the room which continued when he handed out scratch paper to everyone. But I haven't received any emails from my instructor or the school telling me I need to have a meeting so I must not have been too bad off. He couldn't prove shit, anyway. If anyone asked I'd tell the truth: Although I am fully capable of memorising large chunks of conversations I had months ago, I cannot for the life of me remember what the significance of Pi/4 is or what corresponding angle goes with cos -square root of 2/ 2 or what that EVEN FUCKING MEANS.

So I'm going to fail Trig, out and out. But Fuck it. I'm still going to take Calc this summer at comm college and I'll pass it. Hell, I might even learn some of it. Hopefully I will since I'll be back at university for the much harder Calc II course in the fall. However if Andrew fails it yet again we could take it together, so that sounds good to me.

I also find it necessary to mention that if not for a 10 point assignment I forgot about in Geology I would be getting an A and as it is I am getting a B+. I am also getting a D- in Chemistry which is acceptable since I only have to get above a C in Geology courses in order for it to count on my transcript. My mom keeps consoling me as well as she can - "Nobody is going to care what kind of grades you got in those classes, Morgan." "You think so, mom?" "Let's hope so." "Thanks." - and with any luck she is right. In the meantime I cannot stress this enough: if you go to community college, do it right and fucking take math and science there. And make sure those classes that you do take transfer to the university of your choice. And don't be a fucking pussy.

That is all.

1. Crudely, presumptuously, or loudly self-assertive.


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