So after I posted yesterday Reed finally texted me back and we left to go grocery shopping. He revealed that he'd actually taken everyone else earlier in the afternoon to go grocery shopping and forgot I wanted to go. I wasn't too upset though, since five people in one car and all their groceries may have been a bit too intimate for my liking. And I got to spend time with him alone, which is always good. He must have been in need of human contact because he talked the entire time. I didn't mind too much; I have milk, cottage cheese (delicious cottage cheese...) bread, cereal, and various other foodstuffs now.
I was a little disappointed when he told me they had all went to Flying Burrito though. I love that restaurant and never pass up an opportunity to go, but I was still with Rom then. Later, after we had come back, I was talking to Rom on Facebook, and he had just left campus town. While I was with Reed, Rom had gone and got food... from Flying Burrito. I was in the wrong place twice. The situation still about blows my mind when I think about it.
So Brett and Reed were having a party last night, and I was invited. I wish he hadn't said "We're having a party tonight, come over." I'd have been happy with our usual routine of getting groceries, dropping them off at my apartment, going over to their apartment, and then people start drinking/ doing other things. I can handle that. But tell me it's a party and I get performance anxiety. The exact same thing probably was happening as always does, but I couldn't handle it. So I didn't go. Morgan just isn't a partier. I'm an accidental partier, rather.
I'd like for people to emphasis to my mother that I am not getting drunk while at University. I'm spending far too many nights at Rom's apartment to do that. studying. Which is basically what I have done today. I did my late Chemistry assignment from last week and a fair amount of Trig before my computer decided to freeze up. I just also happened to chat with people on Facebook, too.
I need to get that corrected.
No, seriously. I'm on the verge of having Rom change my password so I can only get on when he lets me. It's getting that bad.
So anyway.. .we went grocery shopping. Except we waited too long to go to the store I wanted to go to (We got there at 9:02, they closed at 9:00. VERDAMMIT.) We ended up at the most expensive grocery store in town simply because it was between them and Walmart, and Walmart is the devil. I ended up buying half of what I wanted and spending a third more than I would have at the other place. But I have plenty of food for the week, at least.
As we were walking around we found a display for ten dollar bottles of chocolate wine (Chocovine) and joked about it for a while. Reed concluded "Bitches love chocolate." That quickly became the phrase of the evening. It was so popular that when we walked out of the store he yelled at the parking lot "BITCHES LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!" My femininity was a little irked at being put into such a wide group as bitches (calm down, I know it's not actually intended in that way, shaddup) and politely disagreed with him. When we were in the checkout line he turned to me and said "Look me in the eye and tell me that bitches don't love chocolate." It was so crazy I just laughed in response; he took that to mean he won. I said "I don't think I've ever looked you in the eye before."
As we were driving he said "That was the first time you looked me in the eye. I bet you don't know what color my eyes are." Then I got offended. "Your eyes are blue, ice blue. They are beautiful, and it's one of the first features I ever noticed about you."
Then I think we did a good job of acting like things weren't suddenly awkward...
(But I so won.)
However, as he walked out of my apartment, he yelled "Bitches love chocolate!" He always has to have the last word.