
Jan 23, 2011 23:00

So this was an excellent weekend. I loved the entire thing, from Friday night until tonight. I spent 44 solid hours in Rom's apartment. My parents are still not to know that.

So what happened? Not a whole lot. We never got around to watching Star Trek. I'm watching it right now. Thus why I am using simple sentences. I don't feel very excellent now, though. No worries. I must go to bed soon.

So Rom and I did pretty much nothing all weekend except lay around and watch movies. And eat. A lot of frozen pizza was consumed. Some spaghetti as well. And I've had my eyes opened.

I've been introduced to Nutella. And like any forbidden fruit, I want more. I had a ton of toast with the stuff spread over it. Why is that so good? It makes no sense! It looks disgusting, as any chocolate spread would, but it's like heaven. Andrew will take me grocery shopping tomorrow and I intend to buy a jar of it.

Back to class tomorrow morning, and I'm not over the top thrilled. This weekend could have gone on forever for all I care. I'd tell you about some of the things that happened but I'm so tired now... I must save them for later.

weekend update, rom

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