
Jan 07, 2011 11:48

So I haven't read anyone's post in days. Karma has returned the favor, it appears. Or maybe there is just nobody out there in LJ land? Come back from break already, I miss you!

One person who has come back from break would be my Stevan. That's where I have been all evening, over at his dorm which is way across campus. (But closer than Andrew's which is way across town. Seriously who puts a DORM farther away than the frat houses?!) We watched Zombieland, ate subs, watched a ton of Family Guy, then watched Johnny English (not Rowan Atkinson's finest work, I have to say) and ended with yet more Family Guy. He was beginning another episode, tuning his guitar and trying to get something to work on his computer when I finally left. I walked across campus, where it is a blusterly 8 degrees Fahrenheit, and saw one person off in the distance, and a couple of cars, the most notable of which was a police cruiser. Which was stopped at a red light. Where I was trying to cross. I waited for several minutes for the little white walk guy to show up, hoping I didn't look suspicious out on campus at 12:30 at night. I must not have; I crossed the street, he continued straight, and we have not laid eyes upon each other again yet.

So I'm still kind of sad that I left home early. I'm not sure why, really. I just kind of miss my mom, since I didn't get to really see her over break a whole lot. So I don't kno-

Oh wait. I got it. Sorry, I'm on my period and getting sentimental. I'll just eat all my leftover christmas candy, that'll help.

Mmhmm. Much better. But these cookies that mom sent to me before break are pretty nasty now. Bleh.

Anyway. Yeah. I knitted a lot today. I felt accomplished. But then I made Ramen for supper (right before having a sandwich with Stevan.) Ramen does no favors for your stomach, if you were wondering. None.

I've decided for sure that I love the band We Are Scientists. I mean, they had me from the moment that I saw this album cover come up in my Pandora queue:

Seriously, who can resist that level of dorkiness? But tonight I've watched several of their music videos for the first time and that proves that they are incredibly daft. None of those videos made anything resembling sense. (Chick Lit, Inaction, Nobody Moves, Nobody Get Hurt, and Impatience stand out especially in my mind.) I found them on a big playlist of like artists, including my ever favorite Bloc Party's Hunting for Witches. That song has a level of paranoia that is on par with any of Muse's.

Yeah, that's right. Go listen to it and look up the lyrics if you don't believe me.

Still, given this music that nobody around me listens to, I have a need for new music. I love Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Them Crooked Vultures, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Rolling Stones, Scissor Sisters, and all my other cds still, wholeheartedly (except for that Theory of a Deadman cd I have. They are somewhere down there in between Elton John and Nickleback on the list of 'artists I would rather not listen to but can tolerate if need be'. GNR and Journey are on the shorter 'Ah, Hell No' list, if you are curious.)

Yes, I'm typing this up at 2:00 AM. How can you tell?

Anyway. Given those parameters... could anyone recommend some artists and songs for me? I would appreciate it greatly. Kthanxbai.



1. Having changeable lustre; twinkling.

2. (Of a gem, esp a cabochon) displaying a band of light reflected off inclusions of other minerals.

rec requested, early morning journaling, plea, music

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