
Oct 26, 2010 22:44

So today's one remarkable characteristic was that it was wholly unremarkable.

The best part was in Geo lab when we were looking at a picture of the grand canyon and asked to write down how many layers it had, then share our guesses with the class. There were answers like 9, 37, millions, and so on. I yelled mine out proudly.


Colin, the TA, responded "Morgan, why do you think there are over nine thousand?"

Someone on the other side of the room said loudly "Who said 'Over nine thousand?!?!"

One of my best moments. Top one hundred, for sure.

Chem lab was good though. It involved a lot of hip bumping with Kathy, my friend from the Dominican Republic. I think I love her. But not as much as my Anne. if I could have them together though, that would be EPIC.

It was raining so I didn't ride my bike but the bus instead. I got on the one that takes the long route- but is right outside of my building- and when I was on the opposite side of campus that I needed to be, I looked outside and saw who but who? My chem lab partner! I was getting off when I saw he was getting on, so I sat back down and we chatted all the way over. Then we were the last to get down and talked the whole way out of the building. He needs some kind of pointer in hygiene of some sort, but I find him tolerable. I like him, he's amicable and interesting. Just going to have to start sneaking him gum or deodorant, I'm not sure which. Seriously, he confuses my nose that badly.

I didn't see Brett today, sadly. But I did nearly run face first into Nick's chest, which was awkward. I had begun to think that he and his roommates were invisible, never seen by the naked eye, but then all of a sudden there he was directly in front of me as I turned the corner. We were fleet footed and managed to avoid collision, thankfully. It'd have been weirder since he was on the phone.

Okay, so I wanted to get to  bed forty minutes ago, but I got wrapped up in chatting with people on two different web sites. So I think I'll wrap this up and go to bed, a monumental task. I have to turn the computer off, do a 180, and flop into bed. Seriously, I love how I have this room laid out. It's small and cramped and cluttered, which really suits my personality.

actual conversations, chemistry, geology, geek-out, university, meme

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