
Oct 10, 2010 14:11

Saturday's are dull around here. But I don't mind, this weekend has been far better than last weekend.

I slept in too late so that when Justin and I went to the bike shop it was about a half hour before the store closed for the weekend. Apparently there was a tiny pinhole in my tire from running over a staple or something. 2 dollars later my bike was back to operational. I celebrated by not riding it. Instead I decided to curl up on the couch and watch movies while doing homework.

In honor of John Lennon's 70th birthday I decided to watch A Hard Day's Night. I alarmed myself by saying much of the dialog along with them. It can be highly quotable though.

Norm: They've gone potty out there! The place is surging with girls.
John: Please, sir, sir, can I have one to surge me, sir, please, sir?
Norm: No, you can't!

Reporter: How did you find America?
John: Turned left at Greenland.

George: [as TV Director walks away with PA] There he goes. Look at him. Bet his wife doesn't know about her.
John: If he's got one. Look at his sweater.
Paul: You never know, she might have knitted it.
John: She knitted him.

It is good to know that four years later and I still laugh like I did the first time. Even the scene with George and the ad agency still annoys me to death; I assume it is really because of the guy's buttcrack chin.

When it was over I put in A Knight's Tale and made myself some spaghetti. The first real meal I've made for myself in my apartment that wasn't just something with chicken. I even had some cottage cheese and peaches, which tasted like candy they had so much syrup on them. Blegh.

I was supposed to go grocery shopping at midnight with Justo and his friends, but I'm an ass and didn't. Instead, I went over to... you'll never guess... Brett and Reed's! They were the only one's home as Derek and his girlfriend was out drinking and Anthony was... I don't know where he was. We didn't have any ironclad plans, we ended up doing the same thing we did the night before, playing Mario Kart (and super smash bros.) while waiting for Elvira to come on again. Reed had looked it up and knew it was on at 2 on the CW.

Two came around and it was something entirely different. He decided to go to bed. Brett and I then proceeded to play 'pick a random number between 1 and 72 excluding the teens and fifties since they are nothing. We watched a couple minutes of telemundo but quit when it was some variety program and not a soap opera. Then we watched part of an infomercial. Tried Comedy Central but it was that dumbass from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, the fat guy who isn't Bill, Jeff, or Larry. We ended up on This watching some crappy eighties film about scary dolls attacking people. Imaginatively, it was called Dolls, and is apparently well known, but neither of us had ever seen it before.

One of the commercial breaks had an advertisement for the next program- Elvira. We considered telling Reed but his light was already off.

We discussed all the extreme things he needs to do now that's he's a senior. Between the three of us we came up with skydiving in the nude, streaking, and several other things that required no clothing. Reed, I suspect, secretly wants to be a nudest. I thought about suggesting becoming addicted to electronic cigarettes or making out, but then a toga orgy came up and I wisely kept my mouth shut.

After Reed went to bed we talked for a while but we were too tired to make any amount of sense. I finally left at four again, came home and crashed into bed. I woke up this morning, realising that I had forgot to put on my pajamas and was sleeping in my underwear. At least I got my jeans off.

But now I need to brush my teeth and text them because even though I skipped out on Justo and his friends I still really need groceries, and Reed offered. We almost went at 1 this morning but I have a feeling I would have bought nothing on my list.

crush of the week, weekend update

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