
Oct 04, 2010 23:54

So my going to three review sessions and spending two solid days studying in my room probably hopefully maybe paid off. I feel I did pretty frakking good on that exam. You know what that means...


Seriously though. I know I missed a two parter problem, and there was a calculation or two that made me pause, but on the whole I was satisfied with what I turned in.  So. Relieved. And my next exam isn't until the 15th, so I have plenty of time to study industriously for it.

Also, if you type in 'Colbert report balloons' you get this on the first page.

I, uh, I fail to see the connection. But bravo ladies. Well done with those shoes.

Oh, and I so could pull that outfit off. I'm certainly white enough for it.

Speaking other people who also appear unbelievably pasty, while I was watching the Daily Show tonight I confirmed my weeks long suspicion: Jon Stewart is left handed. That's. Frigging. Awesome.

Just ask Ontinia, I absolutely go batshit when I realise someone is left handed. Like when I realised that Theoden was left handed? Oh yeah, I cheered. Right there in the theater.

It was only to be rivaled by an event several years later, when I realised that Pete Townshend has the same birthday as me. But then I realised that he was arrested for having child pornography on his computer which he denied. So now I'm confused about how I feel about him.

So we'll go back to Stewart being left handed.


All's better now.

I'm sorry, I've been in this mood all day. I wish this upbeat and yet still crazy insane mood will last until tomorrow. If not, oh well, at least I got through my exam.

And I actually nearly had a conversation with my roommates. WOW.

P.S. Sigmoid: Adjective.

a : curved like the letter C. b : curved in two directions like the letter S.

Now you know.

chemistry, stewart for best giggle award, left-handed celebrities, class already?, geek-out, success!, university

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