
Sep 24, 2010 12:08

Random crap I thought was important at this moment:
  • Mr. Colbert is officially the ballsiest man alive. Appearing in front of Congress in character? I'd have thought he'd get shot for even thinking about it but they allowed him to live. Win! And he did make a valid- if somewhat strange- argument for migrant farmer's rights. Genius. It reminded me of the Meat in New New Earth. You know what I mean?

You don't? Neither do I.
What I think I'm trying to say is it is like when that guy stuffs his hand into the electrical socket and the cat nurse-nuns are all "It's actually constructing an argument!" Just like that. Except with a suit and pointy elven ears.

Oh, and not a british Accent.

Or grimy costumes.

Prefectly combed hair.


Colonoscopy. (Interestingly enough, I'm not interested in that at all.)

Star power.






No cats.

Otherwise it's just exactly the same.

Let's move on.
  • I'm writing from a mac, and I am officially buying one of these BAMFs. No offense to PC's.
  • I miss David Tennant.
  • But I do love Tenth Doctor: the Musical. Yes, I'm watching it again. I'm that lame.
  • I watched this guy on Comedy Central named Mitch Fatel yesterday that I decided I love hard. He's a such a creepy bastard. He sounds like a five year old, but his whole standup is about women. He's not someone I would show to my parents, but I would like to see more from him.
  • I have an exam in an hour. It's Geology, it's going to be easy, I just have to remember olivine is unpaired silicates, pyroxene single chains or something, amphibole, double chains; aannnnnnnnnd....
  • Maybe I should go study.
*Yes this is a real word, has it as their Word of the day, meaning wonderful, elegant, superb, or delicious.  And that ties in with this post because... I too...  have... wondered... why... immigrants taste... good. Shit! I don't know, okay? I just couldn't think of anything. Are you satisfied, all none of you who are waiting for me to slip up and repeat. Because you shouldn't be, as I can come up with random adjectives from now until for-eva.

Oh Lord, I'm really really not lucid right now.

colbert powert, stand up comedians, i need a life, going nowhere fast, i teach you new word to make you smart

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