
Dec 19, 2009 22:39

This post is spoiler free.

I have to tell you about this because it was truly amazing.

Anna and I went over to her parent's house to watch Waters of Mars and she directed Kathleen to put a pizza in the oven. When it was done, Kathleen made her go and check on it, right in the middle of the episode. There wasn't anything wildly exciting happening, but she said "Something really exciting might happen!"

After she left, I leaned over to Diana, who was watching with us, naturally (Tennant unites us all) and said "Laugh like something amazing is happening in 3, 2, 1... "

We both started roaring as though the funniest thing in the world occured.

Anna totally nearly knocked down the house. "SOMETHING AMAZING IS HAPPENING!" Then we laughed at her for running into the room for nothing. So she finished the pizza. I felt kind of bad because it was right when a super spoiliery scene was happening and stuff. But not super spoilery... just kind of really important to the story. So kind of spoilery. Whatever. Hearing Anna run through the house in hysterics was way better than the whole episode was.

And then they showed the Christmas promo with the Doctor and the reindeer, which was pretty freaking epic.

It was all ruined by our complete and total failure at giving each other a high five. Seriously, we had to try three times. FAIL.

i love my cousins, tennant, doctor who, fangirl, rtd is a fool, spoiler free

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