The strangest, most expectedest thing I've seen in the last hour. (Still awesome though, I am dying to go.) And Stephen's delivery of his news? Made me love him even more. Abraham Lincoln beard with his face greenscreened onto that of Abe's monument? Ptchaw... I love them both.
Sadly, in other news, I had an idea that I loved, that I thought would be a great story during the middle of my chem quiz in recitation. Aaaand subsequently forgot. Fail. I just have to convince myself that it probably was shit. I don't even remember if it was fanfic or original. Oh well.
I'm such a fangirl. I need to go to sleep. Nrgh.
And to the friend who once said they couldn't wait until the day I accidentally repeated post names... one of my tasks this weekend is to create a word doc with all my used ones. Are you happy now?!?
Stay Pretty!
(Oh, Friction, I'm such a fangirl.)