Dec 16, 2009 23:15
Alright! I have another step in my evil plan to become the perfect fandom.
Or something. I don't know if fandom is what I strive to be, but I am sure if I did it all, I could get somebody to worship me. Anyway.
So sometime earlier this year I had decided that I wanted to become Alex Kapranos. Because he is awesome. And pretty. And can play the guitar. And is Scottish. What is not to love? Then I got over that (mostly) and moved on in life.
Soon thereafter I decided that David Tennant was beautiful and that I wanted to be with him. But how, if I was going to be Kapranos? Then it struck me that I would become Kapranos and MAKE Tennant love me. Erm. Alex.
It could work.
But then I realised that Tom Baker is possibly the coolest human being ever. (Okay, so he isn't by far, but work with me) But he is significantly older than me. He is older than Kapranos and Tennant. He is older than pretty much everyone else I fangirl, actually. So what to do?
Well, I realised that there was no rule that said I had to become Kapranos right now.
So then my plan evolved into stealing Baker from his wife, taking care of him and his cats until, alas, that sad day comes... then taking his money and kidnapping Alex Kapranos, switch bodies with him, and then seduce Tennant.
Which is all well and fun, admittedly. But there was a problem that I couldn't quite work out until tonight... how do I get ahold of Tom Baker and steal him? Well, watching an excellent fan video on Youtube (okay, I lie, I was listening to it since the song was excellent and the video was... passable) I realised that Elisabeth Sladen's vest thing she has going on in "Journey's End" is pretty freaking awesome.
That is when I made the connection. Elisabeth Sladen = awesome. Baker = awesomer. Elisabeth = Sarah Jane = companion to Doctor = Tom Baker.
Good, glad you are following me on that.
So this is my plan as of about... an hour ago.
I'm going to become Elisabeth Sladen, steal Tom Baker, since it will be so much easier being her. Obviously. Then when that sad day comes, I'll take my money and his, combine them, kidnap Kapranos, become him, and then use my inside knowledge about Tennant to get him and seduce him.
Yes, that will do nicely.
too much free time is bad,
big plans,
you poor poor man,
elisabeth sladen oh how i love thee