
Apr 19, 2010 22:58

Meep! Everything in ceramics has to be bisque fired (ie basically finished) by a week from tomorrow. This will be a stressful week, indeed. Today tempers were running short - Byb has decided  we need to use all of the clay that is made right now before he makes any more. Something about how the new clay is a different type and he doesn't want to mix them. That is all well and good except we are starting to feel like a city under siege, rehydrating bits of clay we normally wouldn't bother with in hopes of having enough to finish our projects on time. I'm going to need this trip on the weekend after this - I have two projects to do, in addition to having my bowl come out of the kin Fugly and chipped on the bottom. Going to ask if I need to make another one or if it is okay, or if I could even refire it with more glaze. Good news is that my brain bowl is AWESOME. Anne and I used it to make Easymac today. Score!

I also finally got my situation with the business office worked out and I could see my grades! Rather unenlightening, I have three P's. BUT I am getting an A- in Physics.

Hold on a minute, I'll let that sink in.

A minus in Physics. That's anything between 98-90 percent in Introductory -Algebra-isn't-a-prereq Physics.

Yep, I feel awesome. Which I try to hang on to for as long as I can...

*sigh* I'm really quite confused by males of my species. I hear that we do that to each other a lot. The story has come full-circle, but I look forward to an epilogue later in the week that will hopefully explain what all has happened.

It all started with this guy who I liked, who I thought liked me as well, and the crazy chick no one likes attaching herself to him. He then disentangles himself and starts talking to me again, which makes me happy. He bought me lunch last thursday, we sat and talked for an hour or two, and felt that we were genuinely getting somewhere.

But I hadn't completely lost my brain. I've been burned many times before, gentle readers, I recognise the signs.

He said he would call that night at nine. I went to bed at 10-11ish having still not heard from him. Friday was a busy day, a lot happened, and I remembered sitting in Anne's room looking at my phone and musing aloud, "hey, it's 8.45, wonder if he will call... want to take a bet?" Good thing for she didn't take me up on it since one of us would be losing money.

Saturday I finally sent him a text and got a very bored and uninterested response. When I received a one-word response I had given up.

Today I saw them walking together, hand-in-hand. Quite a way to tell a girl that she scares the hell out of you, I thought. Anne and I were walking the other way, so we ran away from them. Well, not so much ran as did the 'I'm super out of shape' waddle. I think I love her more than I liked him, anyway.

It is a shame though; he is really hot.

school woes, 'what i did over summer vacation', school is teh awesome, woes, anne louise

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