
Mar 03, 2010 10:49

Thanks for all the response to my last post! I was just musing, I didn't think anything would come out of it, but I should know better. You guys are awesome.

I just finished my weekly quiz for Environmental Science (I missed six- gah) but I still have an exam due by friday. In an hour I have a physics quiz. I realise that I had much more rigourous schedules in high school, but that was two years ago- that's like, 1/10th of my lifespan, after all. (I think, anyway... 2/20 is 1/10... yeah! I can still do mental math after all!) At this point I groan at the idea that I went to class at 8:30 and didn't finish until 3:00 all five days a week for twelve years! That is total madness.

I think I'm just a complainer, underneath it all.

But I at least have a sense of humor on occasion. I had an idea for a macro this morning that I will never forget since its about a song I listen way too often. I would make it if I was at home, but it will have to wait until this afternoon... suffice to say, think Enlightenment meets Andy Samberg. If you get that, you are my new best friend.*

Right. Now I aught to work on my art stuff and love on my Anne. Yesterday was the day for petting her arm. She yelled at me and told me "Get a boyfriend, get a girlfriend, anything! Just GET OFF ME!"

But she loved it, I know she did.

*Not actually a new best friend since I am rather attached to my current best friends and they both could kill me very easily.

school woes, response, mental maths are hard, real world, anne louise

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