
Mar 01, 2010 09:32

I woke up this morning and realised this story needed to be written. But I couldn't decide which way. So now you will get two of them hastily written out, and you tell me which one disturbs you less. And I love Turlough. I've only seen one serial with him, but I do love him. Adult concepts, so keep the especially perceptive children away.

First version

"Nyssa, I need the coordinates for Liasici, if you would."

"Of course, Doctor. My I ask what for?"

He worried his lip between teeth. "The universe is going to end if we don't go there."

"Oh, is that all? Okay then, I'll look them up right now."

He waved his hand. "No, no, there's no rush, if you are doing something else then it can wait."

Tegan burst into the console room, holding an empty bottle of milk. "Doctor, can we stop by a Tesco or something? I wanted a bowl of cereal."

He scowled. "We are out already? I just bought some!"

"Well, Doctor, we do have more people than we did on grocery day," Nyssa pointed out.

"Yes, I suppose you are right." He sighed, thrusting his hands in his pockets. "I'll tell you what, while you look up the coordinates I'll just nip out and buy some. It'll only take a second. Tegan, is there anything else you would like?"

She considered for a minute. "How about some muffins?"

"Oh! That would be grand, some double chocolate chip muffins..." Nyssa echoed, a hungry look on her face.

"Shall do!" He flipped a switch; the time rotor began to pulse. "How many?"

"Well, allow two for each..." Tegan calculated, "Theres you, Nyssa, and myself. We also have Turlough and that random American we picked up yesterday. So, ten?"

He opened the door. "Better make it a dozen. Teenage boys, no matter the species, eat a lot." he pulled his hat out of his pocket, unrolled it and walked out. "Be back soon!"

The girls stood in silence for a moment. Tegan was picking at a thread on her shirt when Nyssa sighed and rolled her shoulders.

"Well, that was simple, I already found the coordinates." She looked up at her Australian friend. "So... what do you think of our newest companion?"

Tegan scoffed. "I think she seems alright, if you like scrawny girls with funny hair and accents." She glanced at her friend. "No offense."

Nyssa raised her eyebrows, taking in Tegan's pixie cut. "No, problem." There was a reason everyone loved Nyssa, she never pointed out the obvious. Except when it was painfully obvious, of course. "Where is she, anyway? What was her name?"

"My name is Janelle," a smooth voice said from behind them. The two women jumped and turned, embarrassed. "Did I hear that the Doctor went out for breakfast?"

"Oh, wow," Tegan stammered.

"Yes, he did..." Nyssa answered, not immediate catching on to Tegan's discomfort.

Janelle strode toward them, bringing the rating of the room from General audiences to PG-13. She was wearing a pair of underwear that were lime green. Her legs seemed inhumanely long and strong, like she was used to crushing cars between her thighs. And that may have been an accurate description for what had happened last night; she was wearing a schoolboy's uniform shirt, unbuttoned to show copious amounts of flesh underneath.

Tegan became aware that she was talking. "-coming back?"


"I said, did he say when he will be back?"

"Uhm, well... he just went out to get... muffins..." Looks like he isn't the only one, either...

"Okay, then I'll just go back to bed." she turned and walked away, swishing long bleach-blond hair over her shoulder voluptuously.

Tegan stood in stunned silence, carefully reevaluating her own feelings.

"What a thief!" Nyssa hissed, bringing Tegan back to earth.

"Huh? What makes you say that?"

"Well, she stole Turlough's shirt!" Nyssa exclaimed.

"Thats what you noticed?!" Tegan responded.

"No, I also noticed that her face had perfect symmetry to match her body, which appeared to be designed along ratios that are most pleasing to the eye."

"You could say that again." Nyssa walked toward the door purposefully. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going to tell her off!"

"What? No! Stop, I think you should wait-"

"Tegan, I may not care for Turlough a whole lot, but I cannot bear for someone to be stealing from him."

"Nyssa, I am telling you, he probably doesn't care."

Nyssa stopped, hands on her hips. "Of course he does. I tried to borrow a pair of socks last week, remember how he flipped out?"

"Yes, but that was different." The pair had stopped outside of his bedroom door. "I ask you to please, please not knock on that door."

Nyssa thought for a second. "You're right," she capitulated, letting Tegan sigh in relief. "We should just barge in!" She turned the knob and stepped in before Tegan could react.

Pause. Tegan turned away from the door, jamming her fingers in her ears just as a cacaphony of sound burst from the room. Nyssa's high pitched scream, Turloughs tenor screech of horror, and a smooth laugh that rose above it all.

Nyssa burst out of the room, slamming the door behind her, eyes large and permed hair on end. Tegan threw an arm around her shoulder and led her away. "Come, I'll make you some tea." Nyssa nodded numbly.

Silence for a few steps. "So..." Tegan opened, earning a faraway look from her alien friend. "What.. what did you see?"

Nyssa's head moved slowly right, then left. "I don't know... but it had red hair."

Alright, I ran out of time for the other one, I'll type it later. It is the one I like better because I didn't have to invent a character to step in. I am sick. But at least I have fun.

rough draft, i tried to warn you, doctor who, fifth doctor

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