Offline for about a week (cross-posted from

Jul 31, 2008 21:05

For those who don't know, I'm moving house (on Saturday, specifically). This is an awesome thing in more ways than I can count, but it does mean I'll be offline while the phone service and ADSL service get transferred and set up on the new line.

The phone service on this line is scheduled to be disconnected between 8am and 12 noon AEST on Friday 1 August (tomorrow), which will immediately take down my internet access. The phone service is scheduled to be provisioned on the new line sometime between 12 noon and 5pm on the same day, so we will at least have (landline) phone over the weekend. Since Telstra's master database of active phone numbers tends to lag somewhat, and since I can't even officially request my new ADSL service until that database catches up, my chances of getting ADSL at the new place on Friday are basically nil. They don't do anything much over the weekend, so I'll almost certainly be putting the request in on Monday morning. Depending on a number of things (including luck and how much I hassle them (politely)), I should be back online sometime between Wednesday 6 and Friday 8 (inclusive).

Try not to do too much damage while I'm gone, mmkay? ;-)

Oh, and at the new house my computer will be wired directly to the modem/router (instead of going through the wireless secondary router, complete with periodic dropouts).
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