So what's been going on with me lately?

Aug 09, 2007 01:19

Let's see..I've been hanging out with coworkers like once a week, going to watch movies. We've watched Chuck & Larry, Captivity, and the Simpsons (C&L and The Simpsons were très drôles). Some people are going to a baseball game next week, but I don't really want to go.

My new computer looks pretty and has a surprisingly good webcam built in, but the touchpad is really sensitive or it's too close cause I keep accidentally clicking all over, and it really messes up my typing.

We had an earthquake here about 10 minutes ago, which wasn't too bad. After I was over, I was like "Was that an earthquake?"

I had an interview at school yesterday for a part-time job tutoring in Statistics. It went okay, except for the "test". They got a tutor to pretend to be a student needing my help. The questions started off easy, but they got progressively harder, so we'll see if I get the job tomorrow or not.

I also signed up for my classes for the Fall semester, and I'm gonna apply to some UCs soon.

How is everyone else doing!

update, interview

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