Tomorrow is Farm Day so I should probably get around to the final week's share...
Week 20
- 2 Delicata Squash
- 2 Butternut Squash
- 4 lbs Parsnips
- 4 lbs Purple Top Turnips
- 10 lbs Red Gold Potatoes
- 4 roots Celeriac
- 8 Mutsu Apples
= 38? lbs (I can't remember if I actually weighed it)
+ Bread share: Flax Montague (whatever that is, bit damn, it was good!)
Bonus veggies from neighbors:
+ Several stalks Brussels Sprouts
+ 2 Daikon
+ 1 large Kohlrabi
I made the awesome celeriac soup. Because awesome. I might have to get more celeriac. I always say that. Also made assorted other soups, shredded salad, etc. And plenty of roasted brussels sprouts. Nom nom.