So many veggies! The garden is coming along as well, though due to my late start, isn't quite fruiting yet. Which is fine -- there's still plenty of time. (Speaking of, who wants a hot pepper seedling?) Meanwhile, I've been cooking/prepping up a storm and have many meals in my fridge, including roasted roots, greens and peanut stew, cauliflower carrot puree, roasted string beans, shredded beets, carrots, and kohlrabi, marinated kale+, and non-harvest-related accessories such as rice and sauce.
What does this mean? It means I need people to come over and eat! Ess, ess, you're wasting away! (Dominion is not even required. ;) Also, given sufficient notice, if you tell me you're coming over with fresh tomatoes, I will bake focaccia to go with the bruschetta we shall make.
- 2 bunches Beets (w/ greens)
- 2 bunches Carrots (orange)
- 4 lbs Potatoes (by volume)
- 2 bunches Basil
- 2 bunches Red Russian Kale
- 2 bunches Spring Onions
- 3 lbs Summer Squash
- 2 bunches Celery
- 4 Cucumbers
- 10 ears Corn
Total weight: 34 lbs
- 1/3 lb Beet Greens
- 2 Onions
- 6 ears Corn
- 3 Cucumbers (1 lb)
- 2 Tomatoes
- 1 head Garlic
- 1 head Lettuce
- 1 lb Summer Squash
- 1.5 lb Potatoes
- 1/4 lb Basil
- 1 bunch Chard
Total weight: 13 lbs
Progress! Down to from a factor of just under four to a little under three. Still don't know what to do with all that darn squash, though. It's just not one of my favorite veggies.