A Quick Update...

Dec 28, 2004 15:45

I just wanted to do a quick update to let everyone know that I will not have internet service for about a month or so. The computer has to go into the shop & be sent off to be fixed & Bubba isn't going to pay for the service when we won't have a computer. (which makes logical sense)

Anyways, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! I normally don't make New Years resolutions, but this year is going to be an exception. Don't even bother asking what they are because I don't want to "jinx" myself by actually saying them out loud! (LOL)

A quick overlook of this past year...as always I'm learning more & more who my friends are. I'm so glad that Bubba & myself are now part of one of the best families ever; the Lunacy Driven family. As with all families, it's had it's ups and it's downs. Much love to "my bois" and to the new people we have met this year!
Overall, I am realizing how truly blessed we are, no matter how tough the circumstances get. Bubba & I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this past year & it was great! As far as my health is concerned, it is what it is. I'm just trying to live one day at a time & be thankful for what God has given to me!

There is so much more that I could post, but in the sake of time, I will close with this...May the Lord bless each & every one of you & hold you in his care.
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