
Oct 03, 2003 19:19

C-chan... cleaning up her notebooks a li'l and getting a ficbook started.

Yes, I am starting up my fic writing habits again. It's been so long since I've seriously started writing. I keep saying that I'll do it and get to it and other crap... But I never do. I think it's time I got my imagination pencil going and hunt my muse down!

::Is in safari getup with basset hound sniffing for Tray::

He WILL inspire me dammit! Even if it KILLS him. Actually... I think that he's back or at least visited today. ^.^; I gotted an idea for a new fic. More supernatural/spiritually based. One revolving around Life and Death. I've just got a basic chip of an idea... I'm hoping I'll be able to flesh it out some. But yes, I'm going to take time to sit and WRITE. (Which means there still will be very few site updates, Empty Canvas AND Fictionpress.net. ~.~;;

I'm such a bad little girl. >3

It's actually part of a tiny "scene" they have. Aye... it's for my LotR fanfiction. Am starting to get into writing that out a little bit.

K... that's all in that ONE notebook. :) Such crap. ^_^ Maybe more later, ne?
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