GAH! the luggage conveyor is the bane of my existance. when i was in Australia i had to wait 3 days for the airline to figure out where they put my bag. i had to buy new clothes just to have something clean to wear. AND THEN! when i got back to the states I couldn't get the damn thing off the belt. i had ahold of the strap and i was forced to walk with it as i was struggling to get it down and the other passengers just sat there laughing at me, and i almost missed my connector flight back home 'cause i had to finally go ask an attendant to help me and i still had to walk through half the airport to get to my flight. (i had to go through customs which is why i had to grab my bag. I am never going to hawaii ever again. the humidity sucks.)
Comments 12
I love you. And this. What a happy Christmas it has been! *smishes!*
LOVE YOU! *smishes back*
~uses Car Sex icon for roadtrip appropriateness~
other than my rant i enjoyed your fic muchly.
"Honey.. can I choke your mother?" XD
Ahh love. it makes traveling fun!
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