Title: Renounce Characters: Team Tin Man Genre: gen Rating: PG Summary: Why, after they learn Glitch's real name, do they continue to call him "Glitch?" Missing scene, after the vision in Ralph and Loraine's cabin.
I don’t want that on my head.” He gave a sharp laugh. “The zipper’s heavy enough.”
Oh, Glitch! What a lovely missing moment to expand on - it's a perfect way and time for him to find out about his name! And from DG. And their triangle of support was so beautiful!
“I...I just don’t feel like that name belongs to me, not anymore. Like, that man only exists in that mirror, maybe sitting somewhere in a display case as part of Azkadellia’s collection of her spoils of war. Ambrose is the man who invented that terrible machine. I can’t...be him, can’t be that person who’s brought the O.Z. to the brink of destruction. I don’t want that on my head.”
I knew it was coming, but the way I could HEAR him saying it, so seriously and like it was the cold hard truth. YES, he is Glitch.
Comments 10
That was lovely and bittersweet, and very fitting.
Thank you! :D
Oh, Glitch! What a lovely missing moment to expand on - it's a perfect way and time for him to find out about his name! And from DG. And their triangle of support was so beautiful!
Surranndie said 'let there be gen!' and it was good.
All four of them interacting with each other and supporting one of their own, and it was just a big pile of foursome love, wasn't it? ♥
The zipper's heavy enough. *wibble*
YAY foursome love!!! Thank you so much for the awesome comments, they make me extremely happy!!!
Favorite part is Glitch's little speech:
“I...I just don’t feel like that name belongs to me, not anymore. Like, that man only exists in that mirror, maybe sitting somewhere in a display case as part of Azkadellia’s collection of her spoils of war. Ambrose is the man who invented that terrible machine. I can’t...be him, can’t be that person who’s brought the O.Z. to the brink of destruction. I don’t want that on my head.”
I knew it was coming, but the way I could HEAR him saying it, so seriously and like it was the cold hard truth. YES, he is Glitch.
And we love him as Glitch.
Always. <3
*glomps you for making this awesome scene*
All the characters sounded just right. It should have been in the show :)
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