End of year meme

Dec 09, 2008 20:58

JANUARY: 'Kay, so here's the deal.

FEBRUARY: If anyone on our f'list gives a flying f**k, I've written my first fanfic in almost two years, in a brand new fandom - Tin Man.

MARCH: Oh, these things just kill me!!

APRIL: Bold the ones you've seen every episode of, Italicize the ones you've seen at least one episode of.

MAY: Set during the series, episode 1, after the cliff dive.

JUNE: A new month, a new drabble request party!

JULY: I'll start by saying this is the first video I've ever put onto YouTube (as all my others have been for convention or downloading purposes), so I really hope I've done it right!

AUGUST: Dear Moron on glitch_wyatt,

SEPTEMBER: Title: Perceptible - 1 of 10

OCTOBER: So, despite a tiny amount of effort, I couldn't come up with a theme for this round.

NOVEMBER: It's been a DAY and I'm already sick of all the "NaNoWriMo" crap.

DECEMBER: Note to self: Stop falling asleep watching MST3K and write the damn fairytale fic.

....I am especially amused by February and August and September.

meme, tinman

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