Fanfiction - Tin Man fandom

Feb 16, 2008 18:19

If anyone on our f'list gives a flying f**k, I've written my first fanfic in almost two years, in a brand new fandom - Tin Man. It was for a Valentine's Day contest, and now that the results are posted I am linking it on here.

Title: Renewal
Author: Surreal
Pairing: Glitch/Cain
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~2080
Summary: The return of the Lover’s Festival brings promises of a bright future.
Disclaimer: The characters of Tin Man and their world do not belong to me.
Notes: First story in this fandom, but not my first go at writing fanfic - not by a long shot! Name spellings based on the SciFi Channel website for Tin Man.



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