Ok, I guess I'm back! Yeah.
Tell me if I missed anything interesting. I read back a little but I can't catch up to two weeks of stuff.
crystalplumage, you crazy bitch. She made a post claiming I was someone I've never heard of's troll journal. I post telling her I'm not. She accuses me of stalking?
She banned me from her journal. THIS IS SERIOUSLY HOW SHE TYPES
I never said it was because of me...did i ?
whre did i say because of you .And apparently other people find you to be a cmplete ass..go figure..
And youre absolutely one of zedds groupies..
the fact you couldnt wait to post this here ,after fucking 2 1/2 weeks,as if you would DIE if you didnt get me back !!!
And like i care what a lame ass like you thinks about me...
Shows just how PAATTHH ~~EEEETIC you are.
As alwyas asswipe ,you do not find me adding any of you to my lj or posting in your ljs ..
Youre a huge bunch of trailer park trash ,who can dish it out, but cannot TAKE it ..
get a LIFE..besides MINE that is
Then she bans me and comments SEVEN TIMES SO FAR in response to my comment. But I was going to say:
I was *suspended*. That is why it took me so long.
***You know the lj abuse guys came over here and read this post, and laughed their asses off..
while they suspended more of your shit .***
How is that not saying you got me suspended?
I am here because YOU posted about ME. If you hadn't done that, I would never have read your retarded journal at all. I actually feel dumber every time I attempt to read your horrible writing. Luckily I have plenty of extra brain cells because I'm not an old burnout.
But, omg u guyz!
She haz my ip!!?!!! And somehow doesn't see the mn in the link, and doesn't know how to trace ips, because she is a fucking moron? And is accusing me of being Nick Zedd, who she KNOWS lives in NYC? My god she's fucking insane.
And how did I find her post? Google alerts, of course. If she knew what that was she could spend like 10 hours less a day googling herself. I know who zedd is BECAUSE HE STALKS ME. I don't know who pharmasee is because I haven't run into him. WEIRD HOW THAT WORKS. And how do I know she's old? omg maybe because everyone in the jrock communities hates her? She's infamous.
edit: And I am going to fuck you up but good now ....just for fun .For being such a bullshit artist .
As i am tired of you lot.
take no prisoners is my new motto..
So laugh all you want at my "little green men".
Its why you also stalked my voodoo journal .,,,
so just KNOW,,,I am sending out the wraithes...they are about to come and stomp on your throat until its pulp ..
so something really bad is going to happen to you, very soon..
Think of me when it does.
buh bai ...