Mar 21, 2005 20:00

Staff hiring is well underway, but we still have some openings. The most exciting of these is the Teenside Division Head, for which we seek a highly talented and experienced applicant. We also have the following positions available: teenside unit supervisor, lifeguard, nurses (contracts available from 1-9 weeks), kitchen staff, and counselors. If you are interested in any of these positions, please go to the “Employment Opportunities” link on the front page of the website, or if you know of anyone who is interested please encourage them to apply, and remember, former staff will get a $50 bonus for any staff member you refer to us that completes the summer.

We are thrilled to welcome Harry Vogel back for his 53rd consecutive summer at camp. There are also a number of returning supervisors including Alex Dekhterman, Claire Ginsberg, Eric Hammer, Jill Miskanic, Karen Morrison, Rachel Peterson, Carol Prisamt, Fran Ryback, Howard Ryback, Paul Suchow, and Whammy. We would like to welcome Amie Ettinger, Eve Berger, and Barb Mink, Sandra Forkas, Rebekah Bennett, Debbie Thompson, and Nathanel Bialek to the supervisor team.

The contracts are coming in for our general staff, but there are a few still out there. If you have not returned your contract to us, please do so as soon as possible. So far there are contracts in from Tamar Aharoni, Alla Chausov, Seth Cotler, Britt Dash, Boris Dikovsky, Erica Eidelson, Casey Eisenbach, Pam EpsteinPaul Eskanazi, Emma Fischer, Alicia Fischweicher, Jon Frankel, Vara Galperina, Chris Gieb, Heather Gordon, Sean Gruchick, Mike Gurman, Raquel Hochruth, Devon Isaacson, Keith Jacobs, Nate Kahn,Britt Karp, Sam Lester, Jessica Levy, Leanna Marcus, Przemek Michalak,Lawrence Nadel, Paula Nemerson, Melanie Orin, Thomas Owen, Gerry Person, Igor Petlakh, Julia Pisetsky, Racine Rodriguez, Rob Rosenbaum, Salz, Jason Samland, Lauren Segal, Ted Simmons, Josh Suchow, Jeremy Smuckler, Gillian Spivak, Ilan Stern, Jenni Sussel, Bret Tenenhaus, Aviva Tombrink, Alex Ullman, Abi Winter,Cory Zbar, Steven Zbar, and Jamie Zuckerberg.

We would love to welcome the following staff members to the SLC family Nufur Avny, Ali Ball, Andie Biederman, Rona Bogin, Chelsea Brandl, Matt Brust, Lea Cohen, Yuval Etgar, Eugene Freeman,Lenny Frenkel, Lenny Grinberg, Jaclyn Greenbaum, Tyler Hamberg,Greg Jaffe, Eugene Kaplan, Jessica Katz, Allison Landav, Elena Laurenti, Nicole Lewitinn, Stacie Lilien, Jamie Marcus, Lea Maurer, Josh Morrison, Cara Rader,Lawrence Roytman, Alex Rush, Rebecca Solomon, Dan Shulman, Miriam Sternberg, Brad Tarrash, Naomi Tombrink, and Amir Weisler. If you have not heard from us yet and would like to return to camp, Email Ken , or call him at (212) 924-3131.

that was on the camp website .. im sooo excited!! lol

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