Aug 13, 2005 12:35

Yesterday I went to Kevins.
We hung out for a while &&
some people came over. We
got mccdonalds, && then
headed to some cute boys
house to play poker && such.
It was a good time. Then
they brought me home, && I
almost died. When I got home
I got Kendra && Tiffani at
the mall. Then we just stayed
up till 330 talking and stuff.

This morning we woke up at
9. Yeah. We're sweet. If Kevin
gets his car today, he said
he's taking me on a date &&
stuff. :) He's cute, && I ♥
him && stuff.

The End.

1.smoked a cigarette - No/
2.smoked a cigar - No/
3.made out with a member of the same sex - No/
4.crashed a friend's car - No/
5.stolen a car - No/
6.been in love - Yes/
7.been dumped - Yes/
8.shoplifted- Candy, I know I know/
9.been fired - No/
10.been in a fist fight - No/
11.snuck out of a house - Yes/
12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Yes/
13.been arrested - No/
14.made out with a stranger - No/
15.gone on a blind date - No/
16.lied to a friend - Yes/
17.had a crush on a teacher - No/
18.skipped school - We'll my mom knew, but there wasn't a reason/
19.slept with a co-worker - No/
20.seen someone die- No/
21.been on a plane - Yes/
22.thrown up in a bar - No/
23.taken painkillers - Yes/
24. love someone or miss someone right now - Yes/
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Yes/
26.made a snow angel - Yes/
27.played dress up - Yes/
28.cheated while playing a game - Yes/
29.been lonely - Yes/
30.fallen asleep at work/school - Yes/
31.used a fake id - Yo, I got a fake ID thow/
32. Felt an earth quake - Yes/
33.touched a snake - Yes/
34.ran a red light - No/
35.been suspended from school - No/
36. had detention - No/
37.been in a car accident - No/
39.witnessed a crime - Yes?/
40. pole danced - Lol as a joke?/
41.been lost - Yes/
42.been to the opposite side of the country - Uh? I think?/
43.felt like dying - No/
44.cried yourself to sleep - Yes/
45.played cops and robbers - Yes/
46.sang karaoke - ha yeah/
47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Yes/
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - No/
49.caught a snowflake on your tounge? - Yes/
50.kissed in the rain - Yes/
51.sing in the shower - Yes
52.made love in a park - No/
53.had a dream that you married someone- No/
54. glued your hand to something - Yes/
55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No/
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - Yes/
57.been a cheerleader - Yes/
58. sat on a roof top - Yes/
59. didn't take a shower for a week - No/
60.ever too scared to watch scary movies- No/
61.played chicken - Yes/
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on- Yes/
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger - No/
64.broken a bone- No/
65.been easily amused - Yes/
66.laugh so hard you cry - Yes/
67.mooned/flashed- Yes/
68.cheated on a test - Yes/
69.forgotten someone's name - Yes/
70.slept naked - No/
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool - No/
72.been kicked out of your house - No/
73.blacked out from drinking- No/
74.played a prank on someone - Yes/
75.gone to a late night movie - Yes/
76.made love to anything not human- LOL no/
77.failed a class - No/
78.choaked on something you're not supposed to eat - Yes/
79.played an instrument for more than 10 hours- No/
80.cheated on a gf/bf - No/
81. ate a whole package of oreos - No/
82.thrown strange objects - Yes?/
83.felt like killing someone- Yes/
84.thought about running away - Yes/
85.ran away- Yes, for like 5 minutes/
86.did drugs- Yeah/
87.had detention and not attend it- No/
88.yelled at by parent- Yes/
89.made parent cry- Yes/
90.cried over some one - Yes/
91.owned more than 5 sharpies - No/
92.dated more than 1 person at a time- No/
93.have a dog - Yes/
94.have a cat - Yes/
95.own an instrument - Yes/
96.been in a band - Yes/
97.had more than 25 sodas in one day - No/
98.broken a cd - Yes/
99.shot a gun - No/
100.been on myspace for more than 5 hours- No, but longer than I should have been/
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