Feb 09, 2009 17:58
I'm really pissed off right now, because I just got an email from my dad requesting that I take down a photo that I have on Facebook. I'll say it here because I'm not ashamed at all, it's a picture of me and Dan kissing. The caption I wrote for it is "D'awwwww". Nothing smutty or untasteful like making out, just a sweet picture of a sweet moment. This is what the email said:
Lori: in FB, your RuTgErS album, your mom and I find picture number 31 (caption D'annnn) to be inappropriate. We do not think young ladies of good reputation should have this type of picture available to the public. If you would remove it, we would be grateful (and you will be too, eventually, when you realize that more and more potential employers look at Facebook and similar sites for info on potential employees).
Oh, look at that! At least I know what he really typed, because I can copy & paste! I'm annoyed that they said my caption was "D'annnn" instead of what it really is, but I'm more annoyed that they think I'd just post something like that without thinking about it. In case you didn't know, I have my Facebook profile on very high privacy settings, and all of my photo albums are friends only. I don't suppose my parents know that you can change who can see each individual photo album, but you can. Again, all of mine are set to friends only, specifically so that people who aren't my chums can't see them.
I happen to really like that picture, and I'm not worried about potential employers seeing it, so it's staying up. Oh, unless said potential employers are affiliated with the government and hacking their way into my private Facebook profile, that is. But then, I wouldn't want to work for them anyway. :)
Edit: I guess this post was a little harsh. Mom & Dad, I'm not really that mad. It's okay. Just know that I know what I'm doing and it'll be fine. ♥