Major sweet tooth . . .

May 22, 2008 11:07

Ugh, I don't know what it is lately but I've been having an amazing, uncontrolable sweet tooth. This either has to do with:

a. hormones or,
b. slight case of depression

I am assuming depression because I have been a little bored and down in the doldrums lately. I ALSO believe it could be hormones because I stopped taking my spironolactone pill for acne which regulates my hormones in order to clear my face.

In my mind, spironolactone probably helps both my face AND my depression. I don't know for sure.

All I know is, I want sweets! I've been baking any sort of cookie I can throw together at home, cupcakes and chowing down on vegan candy.

Fruit? You got it. Especially dates because they are so sugary.

Peanutbutter? Mmmmm.

Anyway. Maybe I'm bored because now I don't have a project to work on. The last few weeks I was redoing the illustrations for the childrens book my mom and I are getting published. I had no idea my Mom even sent the pubisher drawings a did YEARS ago, but she did and they liked them (I don't, lol. I honestly think they are awful. My Mom and the publisher like them though, so I cleaned them up and let them go).

So now I have no project to do. Actually I do, now that I think about it. A friend wants a portrait done. Portraits scare me though because I want to get them as perfect as I can :-P It's a lot of pressure to make a portrait, especially when that person has to look at it and go: "So Thats what you think I look like?"

Oh well, there ya go. Anybody have a cure for sugarholism?

Edit: this post has gotten me thinking about my artwork. It varies depending on how into it I am. Most of my stuff lately has been, for lack of a better term, shit. No feeling. No thought. Just mindless flat drawings of fantasy creatures I liked way back when. I don't know what happened to by inspiration but it left as soon as I graduated high school seven years ago.

WTF?! I graduated high school SEVEN years ago?! Ack!

Anyway, i remember doing a portrait of Aleister Crowley a few years ago I was really happy with, and I think that was the last thing I really did well. Something is gone and I don't know how to get it back. *sigh* maybe one day.
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