Jul 27, 2012 14:08
Since LJ has died, as FB destroys journaling, online relationships, and interpersonal communication, I have decided to close out this journal. There is no point in sticking around because no one uses LJ these days and all the great communities now lay in ruins. There is no longer any appeal. I will not succumb to FB, however. Trying to form and maintain relationships through that medium is stressful and I want no part of it.
I'm going to try to simplify my life and to me that means forgoing all this technology. Yes, this means that I will have no connection to other people and I think that is sad, but honestly I have no interest in people who only wish to communicate by impersonal means. I don't have friends in real life and there is little point in having fake friends on FB.
So, now I begin the tedious process of copying each and every journal entry and deleting.
It was good while it lasted.