Mar 20, 2012 13:15
Yet again my student evaluations are poor. I bust my ass, and it is all for nothing. I don't know what the secret formula is to get the kiddies to like me. I don't know why they rate me so low now, but I don't think I'll ever figure it out and I only grow more depressed and resentful. I cannot take any more of this kind of disappointment. And neither can my boss. I am done for. I really wanted to stay long enough to get my 5 year vestment and matching funds, but I am not sure that will happen. I just want out now, can't fathom another school year of this. I may not have a choice. I could still be replaced before fall. Don't know what I'll do. I am unemployable in any capacity, apparently. I never would have dreamed that I would live my life as a loser, but it looks like that is what it has come to.